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Saturday, April 2, 2022

Kamala Harris on Bribem’s regime change remark

"Let me be very clear"

She's about as clear as pea soup in a London fog.  The Word Salad she just spewed out cost 50 bucks at the Waldorf Astoria.

Video 678

Spread Eagle with the Jamaican Prime Minister

Honestly, she hasn't got a clue to what is really going on. She never is able to respond to a question with an intelligent answer. You would think from the embarrassment alone she would brush up a little on what her answers are before appearing on camera. Maybe she should get one of those cheat sheets like Bribem has.

BTW... Her arrogance and stupidity is likely the reason her staff is leaving in droves.

In the short time she's been in office 10 staff members have already left!


CNN... "The Most Trusted Name in News"


CNN's true motto. If something happened and we say it didn't, then it didn't. If something didn't happen and we say it did, then it did.

Truly unbelievable:

Meanwhile in Ukraine...


Friday, April 1, 2022

LGBTQIA... Now Fantasyland it's just that

Disney president Kary Burke said that her own children identify as 'pansexual' and 'transgender'

Disney president Kary Burke said that her own children identify as 'pansexual' and 'transgender'

So because she has a couple of weirdos it has to be imposed on everybody else?



Every time I see AOC my mind flashes back to this

Substitute AOC for Jane. 

Video 677

Got to give her credit. For once she got something right.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

I agree with General Jack Keane


Video 676
