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Thursday, September 3, 2015

This is a deal only a Muslim could love

Obama wins critical backing on Iran deal, virtually ensuring survival in Congress

Barry needed one more idiot and he got it after retiring Maryland Democratic senator came out Wednesday morning in favor of the pact. 

"President Obama and I are convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that the framework that we have put forward will get the job done," Kerry said.

Lets talk about this "framework".

1. Anywhere, Anytime inspections which we were promised would take place went out the window in the first 10 minutes of discussion. But wait there's more...the IAEA only has to wait 24 days after giving notice of inspection.

2. We're going to give Iran $150 billion so they can finance terrorism! A lot of this money will go to Hamas and Hezbollah to help them achieve their goal of destroying Israel. How is this any different than giving money to Al-Qaeda or the Taliban?

3. Barry brokered this deal yet no American is allowed on the inspection team that is going to cost $10.5 million a year. How can anyone trust Iran or Barry for that matter. While dealing with Iran they chanted "Death To America" what confidence to you derive from that? And as far as Barry is concerned... how many other secret side deals are out there?

4. And the topper. In some instances we're going to allow Iran to inspect themselves. They're going to get their own soil sample too!

Barry said,"If Iran violates the deal, sanctions can be snapped back into place." What a joke the horse is already out of the barn. This comes from the same guy who said you can keep your insurance.

This is why this deal will come about. We have imbeciles posing as a Congress. Is there anyone willing to put politics aside and do what's right for America? This is an example of what I mean.

Watch this idiot  (Casey) on Cavuto. He honestly believes "Ball-less Barry" the Caitlyn Jenner of presidents is going to attack Iran if they don't... tow the line. Barry can't muster up the guts to call them Muslim terrorists let alone attack! Like how Cavuto reminded him of the red line in Syria.

Video 148

Of all the scandals Barry's been involved in, and there are many, they pale in comparison. This deal is out and out treason. The only possible conclusion you can come to Barry truly is a Muslim. There's no two ways about it. I am going to be very mindful of every son-of-a-bitch who voted for this deal. Blood is on their hands.

We own the Senate and the House and we have one card left to play. 
Articles of Impeachment.

What else does if have to do before the proceeding begin?


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