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Monday, September 28, 2015

Barry puts the "Cuban Missile Crisis" in Netanyahu's lap

The Cuban Missile Crisis took place in October 1962. JFK (rightfully so) refused to allow Russian missiles armed with nuclear warheads only 90 miles of the coast of southern Florida. Now fast forward to 2015.  To put things in perspective just suppose for a moment Cuba is Iran. With those demographics and even though we have a plethora of assholes in Congress both Republican and Democrat, stupidity running rampant, it would seem unconscionable this deal with Iran would have ever seen the light of day.

Now put yourself in Netanyahu's shoes. 

Tehran, Iran to Tel Aviv, Israel


988 miles 

Barry has deliberately boxed him into a corner as this map would indicate. 

This graph shows approximately how far along Iran is in their ballistic missile program. Once they develop a nuclear warhead (if they haven't done so already) Iran could hit Israel just by moving the missile sites closer to the Iranian border or locating them in Iraq, Syria, or deploying them to Hezbollah and Hamas in Lebanon!

Clinton almost word-for-word...the same shit Barry touted about the Iranian deal.

How does that saying go again...those who do not learn from history..

From the horse's mouth.

I don't see any other choice but for Israel to attack Iran and destroy their nuclear weapon sites. Next question. 

Whose side will Barry be on?


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