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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Watch O'reilly drop this guy in the Veg-O-Matic
Friday, November 20, 2009
Terrorist....Whatever gave you that idea?
Hasan E-Mail to Radical Imam: 'I Can't Wait to Join You' in the Afterlife
Friday, November 20, 2009
Muhammad ud-Deen via AP
Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical imam in Yemen with alleged terror links, whom Maj. Nidal Hasan corresponded with.
Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical imam in Yemen with alleged terror links, whom Maj. Nidal Hasan corresponded with.
The Army psychiatrist accused of killing 13 people in the Fort Hood massacre told a radical Muslim imam, "I can't wait to join you" in the afterlife, in one of several e-mails exchanged between the two men, ABC News reported on Thursday.
An unnamed official "with top secret access" told the network 18 e-mails were exchanged between Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki, who encouraged Muslims to kill U.S. troops in Iraq, from Dec. 2008 until June of this year.
Other e-mails, the official said, included discussion of when jihad is considered "appropriate," and if it is acceptable for innocent people to die in suicide attacks.
"Hasan told Awlaki he couldn't wait to join him in the discussions they would having over non-alcoholic wine in the afterlife," ABC quoted the official as saying.
Hasan — with an annual salary around $92,000 — also wrote, "My strength is my financial capabilities," the source said. Investigators have found the Army major donated as much as $30,000 per year to Islamic "charities." American authorities have found several such charities to be conduits to terrorist networks.
A military analyst told ABC: "It sounds like code words ... That he's actually either offering himself up or that he's already crossed that line in his own mind."
A joint terrorism task force overseen by the FBI learned late last year of Hasan's repeated contact with al-Awlaki. The FBI said the task force did not refer early information about Hasan to superiors because it concluded he wasn't linked to terrorism.
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates called it disturbing that Hasan has e-mail contact with the radical cleric in Yemen, but stressed that his review is separate from the criminal investigation into Hasan and should not be interpreted as a finger-pointing exercise against Muslims or anyone else.
Investigators have said e-mails between Hasan and the imam did not advocate or threaten violence. After the shootings, al-Awlaki's Web site praised Hasan as a hero.
Gates would not comment Thursday on whether he considers the Fort Hood attack a terrorist act. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, an independent, told a Senate hearing that he does, and urged a government investigation "to learn whether the federal government could have acted in a way that would have prevented these murders from occurring."
Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican, questioned whether the government failed to connect dots about Hasan.
"We must better understand why law enforcement, intelligence agencies and our military personnel system may have failed in this case," Collins said.
Hasan's psychiatry supervisors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center had expressed concerns in May 2007 about what they described as Hasan's "pattern of poor judgment and lack of professionalism."
President Barack Obama already has ordered a review of all intelligence related to Hasan, including his contacts with al-Awlaki, concerns raised about Hasan by some of his medical colleagues, and whether warnings were properly shared and acted upon within government agencies. Results of that inquiry are due Nov. 30.
The Pentagon said Thursday it will scour its procedures for identifying volatile U.S. military service members hidden in the ranks following the Fort Hood shooting rampage and lapses that might allow others to slip through bureaucratic cracks.
"It is prudent to determine immediately whether there are internal weaknesses or procedural shortcomings in the department that could make us vulnerable in the future," Defense Secretary Gates said.
A 45-day emergency investigation will examine personnel, medical, mental health, discharge and other policies in all corners of the vast Defense Department. It will also look at ways to improve security and emergency response at Defense Department facilities.
"The shootings at Fort Hood raise a number of troubling questions that demand complete but prompt answers," Gates told a Pentagon news conference.
The quick review will be led by two former Pentagon officials, former Army Secretary Togo West and former Navy chief Vernon Clark.
A longer, second review lasting about six months will look at what Gates called "systemic institutional shortcomings." Gates, who has fired several top officials in three years heading the Pentagon, did not address any possible consequences of the inquiries he announced Thursday.
Gates broached little new information about the case of Hasan, the Army psychiatrist accused of killing 13 people and wounding more than 30 in the shootings at the Texas military post on Nov. 5.
Both Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the chief goal of the Pentagon probe is preventing another such attack and improving future responses by disaster teams.
West was Army secretary in the mid-1990s and later became secretary of veterans affairs. Clark was the chief of naval operations from 2000 to 2005.
In 2007, Gates named West co-chairman of a panel created to review rehabilitation care problems at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington and the National Naval Medical Center in suburban Bethesda, Maryland.
In 1995, as President Bill Clinton's Army Secretary, West ordered a review of the Army's racial climate, including whether there were ties between extremist groups and members of the military. The investigation was prompted by the arrests of two paratroopers in connection with the murders of two black people and concerns that the two men may have had ties to white supremacist groups.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Terrorist....Whatever gave you that idea?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Just what kind of President do we have?
In 2008, we've got Barack Obama and it's "above my pay grade."
And also on the Futenma relocation issue, by when do you think the issue needs to be resolved? And should it be that Japan carry over the discussion -- decision to next year, or decide on something outside of what is being discussed? How would you respond?
Christ... wouldn't you just love to here him say that?
Let me, first of all, insist that the United States and Japan are equal partners. We have been and we will continue to be. Each country brings specific assets and strengths to the relationship, but we proceed based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and that will continue.
That's reflected in the Japan-U.S. alliance. It will be reflected in the resolution of the base realignment issues related to Futenma. As the Prime Minister indicated, we discussed this. The United States and Japan have set up a high-level working group that will focus on implementation of the agreement that our two governments reached with respect to the restructuring of U.S. forces in Okinawa, and we hope to complete this work expeditiously.
Our goal remains the same, and that's to provide for the defense of Japan with minimal intrusion on the lives of the people who share this space. And I have to say that I am extraordinarily proud and grateful for the men and women in uniform from the United States who help us to honor our obligations to the alliance and our treaties.
With respect to nuclear weapons and the issues of non-proliferation, this is an area where Prime Minister Hatoyama and I have discussed repeatedly in our meetings. We share, I think, a vision of a world without nuclear weapons. We recognize, though, that this is a distant goal, and we have to take specific steps in the interim to meet this goal. It will take time. It will not be reached probably even in our own lifetimes. But in seeking this goal we can stop the spread of nuclear weapons; we can secure loose nuclear weapons; we can strengthen the non-proliferation regime.
As long as nuclear weapons exist, we will retain our deterrent for our people and our allies, but we are already taking steps to bring down our nuclear stockpiles and -- in cooperation with the Russian government -- and we want to continue to work on the non-proliferation issues.
Now, obviously Japan has unique perspective on the issue of nuclear weapons as a consequence of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And that I'm sure helps to motivate the Prime Minister's deep interest in this issue. I certainly would be honored, it would be meaningful for me to visit those two cities in the future. I don't have immediate travel plans, but it's something that would be meaningful to me.
You had one more question, and I'm not sure I remember it. Was it North Korea?
Q Whether or not you believe that the U.S. dropped a nuclear weapon on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- it was right?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: No, there were three sets of questions, right? You asked about North Korea?
Q I have North Korea as well, yes.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Yes. With respect to North Korea, ....(etc.)
Just what kind of President do we have?
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Preventive Psychiatrist
Nidal Hasan quote
"We love death more then you love life!"

Nidal Hasan, M.D.
Fellow, Disaster and Preventive Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
F.Edward Hebert School of Medicine
Uniformed Services University of the Health Science
Preventive Psychiatrist? This would almost be a joke if it were not so terribly tragic. One of the first things the Army should investigate are the patient files. How many people did this guy treat for mental disorders over the last 18 months? What is there condition now? How many fuses did he light?
13 people are murdered, dozens more are injured. Literally, before the bodies were cold the FBI proclaimed this incident was not "terrorist related". It was "soldiers killing soldiers".I guess under there standards more then one person has to be involved for it to be considered a "terrorist attack". But wasn't this a rush to judgment? Or did no one in our government have the guts to say MUSLIM? Political correctness gone awry. Nothing more. Nothing less. It makes you sick. Not only is Bin Laden alive; our United States Postal Service is selling Muslim stamps to honor their holidays! Think I'm kidding? Check it out.
I was waiting for a reporter to ask the obvious question but they never did. Nidal Hasan claims in the Koran it forbids Muslims from killing Muslims. Why in the hell then would you join the United States Army?... Their job is killing Muslims!... Wouldn't you anticipate there may be a good chance you would be deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan? Let me put it another way. Do you know any Black guys that are members of the KKK?
I guess the Koran also forbids the use of alcohol. Thank God. Look what the hell they do when their sober! This guy was in a strip club drinking beer on a regular basis. His Muslim Jihadist in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan blow themselves up routinely, killing other Muslims daily. (I guess they skipped over that part in the Koran) What they did to the Koran is metamorphosize it into a Mein Kampf; adding a few twists to suit their own political agenda's.
This we know:
Nidal Hasan has an Internet posting defending suicide bombers.
He attends the same mosque as 2 of the 911 hijackers
Witnesses stated he shouted in Arabic "God Is Great" as he was gunning people down. (I seem to remember Muslims flying Boeing 767's in New York chanting the same thing.) Believe me. God's got nothing to do with this. Only brainwashed morons believe in killing people in God's name.
And the worst for last. Chief of Staff of the Army
Gen. George Casey
stated this: "And frankly, I am worried — not worried, but I’m concerned that this increased speculation could cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers. And I’ve asked our Army leaders to be on the lookout for that. It would be a shame — as great a tragedy as this was, it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well".When asked by the reporter how many Muslim soldiers were in the US Army he said this: "About 3,000 active Guard and reserve".
After I got up off the floor I asked myself:
3,000!....I wonder what's on their agenda?
I don't know about you but I don't think I will sleep well tonight.
This just in from the New York Daily News:
American intelligence agencies knew months ago that the Fort Hood gunman had tried to contact people linked to Al Qaeda, ABC News reported Monday.
It is not known whether the agencies informed the Army that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had attempted to connect with Anwar al Awlaki, a radical mosque leader who runs an English language anti-American web site that promotes jihad, U.S. officials briefed on classified material told ABC.
In a blog posting early Monday titled "Nidal Hassan Did the Right Thing," Awlaki calls Hassan a "hero" and a "man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people."
Hasan, who was born in Virginia and whose parents emigrated from Palestine, attended a Falls Church, Va., mosque when Awlaki was an imam there, the Associated Press reported.
The Telegraph of London reported that Awlaki had made contact with two of the 9/11 hijackers when he serving as an imam in San Diego. Awlaki, said to have been under electronic surveillance by U.S. intelligence agencies, reportedly served as an imam in Denver, San Diego and Falls Church, Va.
He denied knowledge of the hijacking plot and was not charged. After an intensive investigation by the FBI, Awlaki returned to Yemen.
Soldiers who served with Hasan said they reported his questionable loyalty up the chain of command.
A fellow Army doctor who studied with Hasan, Val Finell, told ABC News, "We would frequently say he was a Muslim first and an American second. And that came out in just about everything he did at the university."
Finell said he and other Army doctors complained to superiors about Hasan's statements.
On Sunday, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) called for an investigation into whether the Army missed signs as to whether Hasan was an Islamic extremist.
The Preventive Psychiatrist
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Queen Nancy's 757
Conservatives! Are you out there?
Madame Pelosi wasn't happy with the small private jet that comes with the Speaker's, Madame Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat 200 seat jet that could get her back to California without stopping!
Many, many legislators walked by and grinned with glee as Joe informed everyone what Nancy's Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard working American Taxpayers, for the thousands of gallons of fuel every week.
Since she only works 3 days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home to California , cost to the taxpayers of about $60,000 one way!
As Joe put it, 'Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday Night'. Cost to us is another $60,000. Folks, that is $480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to the taxpayers of $5,760,000.No wonder she complains about the cost of this might cramp her style and she is styling, on my back and yours.
I think of the military families in this country doing without and this woman, who heads up the most do-nothing Congress in the history of this country, keeps fueling that jet while doing nothing.
Madame Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires.
These people are nuts.
If you think this is outrageous, forward it to all those on your email list!
Keep in mind the figures above do NOT include cost of plane or crew, just fuel!
Queen Nancy's 757
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
More to this story than meets the eye
Check out the red highlights
Obama's half brother recalls their abusive father
(I didn't know it was Montel Williams)
By WILLIAM FOREMAN (AP) – 10 hours ago
GUANGZHOU, China — President Barack Obama's half brother has broken his media silence to discuss his new novel — the semi-autobiographical story of an abusive parent patterned on their late father, the mostly absent figure Obama wrote about in his own memoir.
In his first interview, Mark Ndesandjo told The Associated Press that he wrote "Nairobi to Shenzhen" in part to raise awareness of domestic violence.
"My father beat my mother and my father beat me, and you don't do that," said Ndesandjo, whose mother, Ruth Nidesand, was Barack Obama Sr.'s third wife. "It's something which I think affected me for a long time, and it's something that I've just recently come to terms with."
Like his novel's main character, Ndesandjo had an American mother who is Jewish and who divorced his Kenyan father. The novel, which goes on sale Wednesday by the self-publishing company Aventine Press, is one of several books in the works by relatives of the president.
President Obama's parents separated two years after he was born in Hawaii in 1961. The senior Obama, a Kenyan exchange student, divorced the president's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, in 1964 and had at least six other children in his native Kenya.
For the past seven years, Ndesandjo has been living in the booming southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, near Hong Kong, and has refused all interview requests until now.... I wonder why?
Ndesandjo, who said he attended Obama's inauguration as a family guest, declined to discuss his earliest memories of the president or describe their relationship over the years. I wonder why? However, he said he plans to meet his brother in Beijing when the president makes his first visit to China on Nov. 15-18.
"My plan is to introduce my wife to him. She is his biggest fan," he said.
Shortly after divorcing the president's mother, Obama Sr. met Nidesand while studying as a graduate student at Harvard University. Nidesand returned with Obama Sr. to his native Kenya in 1965, where Mark and his brother David were born and grew up. David later died in a motorcycle accident.
In Kenya, Obama Sr. also had four children with his first wife, Kezia, some of them while he was still married to Nidesand. Ummm. Nidesand and Obama Sr. eventually divorced amid allegations of domestic abuse. Nidesand returned to the United States and later married a man whose surname Mark Ndesandjo took.
Obama Sr. died in an automobile accident in 1982 at age 46.
President Obama saw his father only once after his parents' divorce, when he was 10 years old. In a best-selling memoir, "Dreams from My Father," Obama wrote about his fatherless upbringing and search for identity.
In it, Obama described a visit to Kenya to meet his half siblings and learn more about his father. While painting his father as abusive, he called Obama Sr. a gifted but erratic alcoholic who never lived up to his intellectual promise or his family responsibilities.
Obama, in his book, also quotes Ndesandjo criticizing their father, saying, "I knew that he was a drunk and showed no concern for his wife and children. That was enough."
Ndesandjo, who is an American citizen, spent most of his childhood in Kenya before moving to the U.S. to go to college and work in telecommunications and marketing. He has a bachelor's degree from Brown University in physics and a master's degree in the same subject from Stanford University. He also earned an MBA from Emory University in Atlanta, he said.
"I see myself in many ways as a person who has many places, has feet in many places," he said.
Intensely private, Ndesandjo declined to answer several questions about himself. He even refused to give his age, saying only that "I'm younger than Barack." Again. I wonder why?
With a trim, athletic physique, he has a strong resemblance to his taller brother in Washington. His left ear is pierced, and he wore a black crew neck shirt under a dark jacket to the interview last week.
Ndesandjo moved to China after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks when his job was cut in the rocky U.S. economy. He taught English, immersed himself in the study of Chinese culture and volunteered as a piano teacher at an orphanage.
He now speaks Mandarin and said he earns a living as a consultant in strategic marketing, though he would not elaborate on his business.
Ndesandjo said the White House was aware of the book project. A White House spokesman declined to comment on Ndesandjo's interview or to discuss President Obama's relationship with his half brother. Again. I wonder why?
The author said 15 percent of the book's proceeds would be donated to charities for children.
Closely patterned on Ndesandjo's own life, the novel depicts David, an American who leaves the U.S. corporate world after the 9/11 attacks to create a new life in China. He falls in love with a Chinese dance instructor and develops a bond with an orphan who is a gifted pianist battling a serious illness.
In the book, David also writes letters to his American mother asking for details about her failed marriage to his late abusive Kenyan father. In one passage, Ndesandjo writes, "David easily remembered the hulking man whose breath reeked of cheap Pilsner beer who had often beaten his mother. He had long searched for good memories of his father but had found none."
Ndesandjo said such passages were drawn from his own experience.
"I remember situations when I was growing up, and there would be a light coming from our living room, and I could hear thuds," he said in the interview, tears welling in his eyes. "I could hear thuds and screams, and my father's voice and my mother shouting. I remember one night when she ran out into the street and she didn't know where to go."
Ndesandjo said his mother often called Obama Sr. "a brilliant man but a social failure."
The novel never mentions other wives David's father might have had. Nor does it include a half brother who would become the first black U.S. president. Why not?
On Wednesday, a week after speaking to the AP, Ndesandjo said at a book-launching news conference that his brother's election victory, among other recent events, helped "peel away the hardness" that he developed emotionally during his difficult childhood.
"I became proud of being an Obama," he said.
Since the election, he said the extra attention has changed his life, but he has coped by focusing on things that are important to him: music, writing, calligraphy and teaching piano to disadvantaged children.
"The simple things sort of help pull you through," he said.
Ndesandjo told the AP he didn't want to touch on any political themes in the book. "I think my brother's team is doing an extraordinary job and I really don't want to cause him additional heartburn," he said.
Besides the inauguration, he said he last visited his brother in Austin, Texas, before a debate last year with then-Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"He came up to me, and we hugged. I gave him a gift, a gift of calligraphy," Ndesandjo told the AP. "I was just thinking of how happy I was and how proud and how much I loved him."
"It was a very powerful experience."
Another of the president's half brothers, George Obama, 27, of Huruma, Kenya, has penned a memoir that will be published by Simon and Schuster in January 2010.Other Obama relatives working on books include a half sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, daughter of Obama's mother and her second husband, Lolo Soetoro; and Craig Robinson, first lady Michelle Obama's brother. Looks like the whole Obama clan is going to write a book capitalizing on their brother's fame. Want to make some real dough. Show me a real birth certificate.
This guy claims he's Obama's brother. If this guy knew the actual birth place of BHO it wouldn't take a lot of dough to get him to talk.
The photograph shows a young, unsmiling man standing in front of a jagged fence built from scraps of timber and rusted bits of corrugated metal.
The 26-year-old man is outside his shanty home on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya.
(Nick Pisa/Vanity Fair Italy)
He survives on less than $1 a month.
He says he is Barack Obama's half-brother.
"I live like a recluse," George Hussein Onyango Obama says in an article published in the latest edition of the Italian-language Vanity Fair. "No one knows I exist."
Associated Press Writer Beth Fouhy in Washington and Tom Maliti in Nairobi, Kenya, contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved
More to this story than meets the eye
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Republican Dede Scozzafava... Throw down in NY

I guess Newt, Michael Steel, and John Boehner were wrong about this bitch!
Palin, Pawlenty, and DeMint said she acted more like a Democrat then a Republican and urged voters not to vote for her.
I guess they were right. She admitted she could not defend her own record. (If you examine her record you would think it was Pelosi's daughter!) So what does she do? Drops out and backs the Democrat!
I'll tell you if Hoffman wins in NY, Christie in NJ, and McDonnell wins the race in Virginia, the warning shot for Democrats over the bow of the USS Obamacare has just been fired.
Republican Dede Scozzafava... Throw down in NY