Nidal Hasan quote
"We love death more then you love life!"

Nidal Hasan, M.D.
Fellow, Disaster and Preventive Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
F.Edward Hebert School of Medicine
Uniformed Services University of the Health Science
Preventive Psychiatrist? This would almost be a joke if it were not so terribly tragic. One of the first things the Army should investigate are the patient files. How many people did this guy treat for mental disorders over the last 18 months? What is there condition now? How many fuses did he light?
13 people are murdered, dozens more are injured. Literally, before the bodies were cold the FBI proclaimed this incident was not "terrorist related". It was "soldiers killing soldiers".I guess under there standards more then one person has to be involved for it to be considered a "terrorist attack". But wasn't this a rush to judgment? Or did no one in our government have the guts to say MUSLIM? Political correctness gone awry. Nothing more. Nothing less. It makes you sick. Not only is Bin Laden alive; our United States Postal Service is selling Muslim stamps to honor their holidays! Think I'm kidding? Check it out.
I was waiting for a reporter to ask the obvious question but they never did. Nidal Hasan claims in the Koran it forbids Muslims from killing Muslims. Why in the hell then would you join the United States Army?... Their job is killing Muslims!... Wouldn't you anticipate there may be a good chance you would be deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan? Let me put it another way. Do you know any Black guys that are members of the KKK?
I guess the Koran also forbids the use of alcohol. Thank God. Look what the hell they do when their sober! This guy was in a strip club drinking beer on a regular basis. His Muslim Jihadist in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan blow themselves up routinely, killing other Muslims daily. (I guess they skipped over that part in the Koran) What they did to the Koran is metamorphosize it into a Mein Kampf; adding a few twists to suit their own political agenda's.
This we know:
Nidal Hasan has an Internet posting defending suicide bombers.
He attends the same mosque as 2 of the 911 hijackers
Witnesses stated he shouted in Arabic "God Is Great" as he was gunning people down. (I seem to remember Muslims flying Boeing 767's in New York chanting the same thing.) Believe me. God's got nothing to do with this. Only brainwashed morons believe in killing people in God's name.
And the worst for last. Chief of Staff of the Army
Gen. George Casey
stated this: "And frankly, I am worried — not worried, but I’m concerned that this increased speculation could cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers. And I’ve asked our Army leaders to be on the lookout for that. It would be a shame — as great a tragedy as this was, it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well".When asked by the reporter how many Muslim soldiers were in the US Army he said this: "About 3,000 active Guard and reserve".
After I got up off the floor I asked myself:
3,000!....I wonder what's on their agenda?
I don't know about you but I don't think I will sleep well tonight.
This just in from the New York Daily News:
American intelligence agencies knew months ago that the Fort Hood gunman had tried to contact people linked to Al Qaeda, ABC News reported Monday.
It is not known whether the agencies informed the Army that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had attempted to connect with Anwar al Awlaki, a radical mosque leader who runs an English language anti-American web site that promotes jihad, U.S. officials briefed on classified material told ABC.
In a blog posting early Monday titled "Nidal Hassan Did the Right Thing," Awlaki calls Hassan a "hero" and a "man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people."
Hasan, who was born in Virginia and whose parents emigrated from Palestine, attended a Falls Church, Va., mosque when Awlaki was an imam there, the Associated Press reported.
The Telegraph of London reported that Awlaki had made contact with two of the 9/11 hijackers when he serving as an imam in San Diego. Awlaki, said to have been under electronic surveillance by U.S. intelligence agencies, reportedly served as an imam in Denver, San Diego and Falls Church, Va.
He denied knowledge of the hijacking plot and was not charged. After an intensive investigation by the FBI, Awlaki returned to Yemen.
Soldiers who served with Hasan said they reported his questionable loyalty up the chain of command.
A fellow Army doctor who studied with Hasan, Val Finell, told ABC News, "We would frequently say he was a Muslim first and an American second. And that came out in just about everything he did at the university."
Finell said he and other Army doctors complained to superiors about Hasan's statements.
On Sunday, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) called for an investigation into whether the Army missed signs as to whether Hasan was an Islamic extremist.
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