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Wednesday, January 25, 2012


State of the Euphemism

Some euphemisms are intended to amuse, while others are created to mislead or at least put a positive spin on events.

On January 24th we watched a master practicing his craft.

There was so much BS in this SOTU I don't even know where to begin. So I'll put it in categories .


He mentioned jobs 34 times in the STOU. Therefore jobs must be important to him. Then explain to me how this plays out. When Boeing built a plant in SC (a right to work state) and announces it's opening, the government (NLRB) steps in and shuts it down. In other words the government is telling Boeing when and where it can operate. Not only does this wreak with overbearing governmental jurisdiction; what about new jobs so vital in helping improve the economy?

Bottom line. Not pissing off the unions is more important then jobs. Why? He needs them to get reelected.

This one is even better. Remember when he touted the line... shovel ready projects? Did you here him mention the Keystone Pipeline in the SOTU? I didn't think so. Depending on who you listen to job creation from this project can generate between 25,000 and 100,000 jobs. Obama said he's not going to make a decision until after the election. Why? Even though the unions are for it, the majority of his liberal base (including the Hollywood crowd) are against it. (You know the type, they and their Limo's perform on accolades, not gas)  I don't know how this is going to go down but I do know the Canadians are threatening to sell their oil to China. If that happens Obama is fucked. 

Bottom line. The plan is to stall it until after the election (God forbid he's reelected) and then pass it crying...We need more jobs...throwing his liberal base under the bus knowing his presidential ticket has already been punched. This strategy shows, once again, he places himself ahead of the country.


We all saw it coming. In fact there was a lively (business) going on the internet  betting on how many times he was going to say FAIR-SHARE-TAXES-MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES. I don't know who won, but the total was 31 times.

 First. Poor Warren Buffett's secretary. She sat there  glowing, basking in the radiance of the Messiah. My heart goes out to her. I got a suggestion. Why not lower her taxes or have Buffett give her a raise?

Second. This was nothing but a blatant attempt to pit the have's against the have-nots. This fair share crap is starting to get a little long in the tooth.

He is trying to convince Americans if millionaires and billionaires "would only" pay their "fair share" the deficit and the economy is just going to be hunky-dory. This is disingenuous at best and an out-and-out-lie at worse. If the government taxed all millionaires and billionaires at 25%.. no 50%... lets go a step further... 100% would not put a scratch in the national debt!  His use of the term "fair share" is nothing more then sanctimonious horse shit. 47% of Americans who work for a living pay zero income tax! How is that fair? Bottom line. You can't cure a crack heads by giving them more crack. I guarantee you if  millionaires and billionaires paid more in taxes not one dime would go to pay down the national debt. 

The truth of the matter is the top-earning 25 percent of taxpayers earned 67.5 percent of nation's income, but they paid more than four out of every five dollars collected by the federal income tax (86 percent). The top 1 percent of taxpayers  earned approximately 21.2 percent of the nation's income yet paid 39.4 percent of all federal income taxes. That means the top 1 percent of tax returns paid about the same amount of federal individual income taxes as the bottom 95 percent of tax returns combined.

Obama likes to speak in half truths and is also quite good at twisting the facts. Lets get back to Buffett's secretary. He likes to say millionaires and billionaires pay less tax, percentage wise, then her. Romney just released his tax returns so I will use him as an example. He made about $21 million on investment income and was taxed at 15% which is less then Buffett's secretary. But where did Romney get the money to invest? He got it from the years he had an earned income which was taxed at 35%. He then took that income he just paid 35% on and invested it then had to pay an additional 15%  on the gains. So in effect he's paying 50%!

 Obama seeks to divide and conquer. Since most Americans have the political savvy of a door knob it may work. His scheme is intended to project the rich  stealing from the middle class and the poor. When in fact they are the job creators. Which begs the question. When was the last time a poor person gave anyone a job?

What we didn't hear

Usually when a president hits his third year in office he likes to expound on his accomplishments during the SOTU. Well in this case there isn't any, he can't run on his record, so he has to deflect the blame elsewhere. First Bush was to blame. Then Republicans became obstructionists...  the party of ...NO. Failing that he lumped the entire Congress together as the nothing congress. Now it's  millionaires and billionaires who are responsible. Oh..almost forgot about those racist Teapartiers. It's always someone else's fault... never his. 

BTW...he had about as much to do with killing Bin Laden as I did.

Some of the words conspicuously missing in the SOTU.

Hope and Change
Joe Biden
Tax Cheats (aka his appointments) 
Trillion dollar stimulus
Transparency-C Span
College Transcripts
Obamacare (his signature legislation)
Immigration law suits
Sanctuary cities
Zeituni Onyango
Onyango Obama
Backdoor Amnesty
Fast and Furious
John Corzine
Ground Zero Mosque
Green Energy
Keystone Pipeline 
Illegal appointments
Shovel ready projects
 Cash for Clunkers
Government Motors
Food Stamps
99 weeks of unemployment benefits
Occupy Wall Street
Missing drones
$1.84 gas price when Bush exited
1000 days with no budget passed
(T0 name a few)

Then he has the balls to say this:

"I've gotten more done then any president except Lincoln, FDR, and LBJ."

  The mere mention of Obama in the same sentence with Lincoln is blasphemy.

One of my favorite lines used by Obama was during the raising of the debt ceiling debacle:

"I cannot guarantee that those checks (SS) go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.

The scare tactic worked so well S &P downgraded our triple A credit rating.

Obama has a lot in common with OJ. Americans couldn't help but like them... till you strip away the facade.

TRANSCRIPT: Obama's 2012 State of the Union

-- Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising
America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve

I rest my case.


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