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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Point the finger or give it?

If there is someone to blame...if there was a man who could have put a stop to was John Roberts. A Bush appointee no less. His vote was the deciding vote on the Supreme Court which ruled ObamaCare constitutional.

I wonder how he feels now after Barry promised emphatically, up and own, inside out, you can keep your doctor and health plan? A promise made knowing full well it was an unadulterated lie. One of the leading assertions of ObamaCare was based on a lie to trick millions of Americans into falling for this scam. 

I'm not a lawyer but I found this on another website. 
 “Fraud in the Inducement.” 
 Here’s the definition from a legal dictionary: “the use of deceit or trick to cause someone to act to his/her disadvantage, such as signing an agreement or deeding away real property. The heart of this type of fraud is misleading the other party as to the facts upon which he/she will base his/her decision to act.

If the law itself is based on a lie the obvious question is should it not be overturned? 

When did lying become constitutional?

Yeah you.
He's a major player as to why millions of Americans will receive a cancellation notice from their insurance company.

Maybe you should read the Constitution John. It does not grant the federal government the power to force private commercial transactions.


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