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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Obama Caught Calling Mexicans “Gang-Bangers” as Media Blasts Donald Trump

On a tip from Phil

Well... here we go again.

Remember when Barry said in August 2008 "Marriage is between a man and a woman" and there was virtually no blowback? Carrie Prejean said the same thing and she was smeared, blackballed, and run out of town for echoing the same sentiments.

I guess Trump could have been a little more ‘artful’ in his choice of words but we all know he was talking about illegals, not legal immigrants, however the left likes to convolute the two. Doctors, lawyers, and aeronautical engineers are not jumping the fence. Those with a 6th grade education are. Trump's not backing down either and number 2 in the polls. I like what he’s got to say and apparently so do a lot of other Americans. Say what you will but it’s refreshing to hear from a candidate who has the guts to say what Americans have been thinking for a long, long, time.

It is amazing how all these attacks are piling up from the left against Trump while no attacks were made against Barry who during a town hall style event in Nashville to discuss Obamacare, referred to illegal immigrants as "gang-bangers," adding they should be deported.

So is it okay to call Mexicans "gang-bangers" but it's not okay to call them rapists and murderers? What's the difference?

Obama made his remarks after he was asked if he would expand Obamacare benefits to illegal immigrants.

"We should not be encouraging illegal immigration," he remarked to the group. "What we should be doing is setting up a smart legal immigration system that doesn't separate families but does focus on making sure that people who are dangerous, people who are, you know, gang-bangers, who are criminals that we're deporting as quickly as possible."

Selective Outrage

Absolute proof the words spoken do not cause offense, but who is speaking the words causes the offense.

Liberal Hypocrisy... at it's finest.


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