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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

This is beyond disgusting

Imam who called for execution of gays preached at Orlando-area mosque weeks before massacre

Why is this Muslim dog who lives in Iran allowed to travel the world and come to this country spreading his message of hate/death and allowed to return to Iran? A better question. Why was the guy who shot the “Benghazi video” jailed and this guy is allowed to roam free?

Anyone remember this?

The end result of visiting Iran as a pastor of the Christian faith. And he wasn't the only one!


Why is it Muslims can preach death to gays encouraging Jihadists to kill fifty with seemingly no consequences?

Trump said he wanted to ban Muslims, killed no one, yet the repercussions and the outrage over his "hates immigrants" statement were met with violent protests. Since this latest attack in Orlando have you seen any protesters walking around with signs...Down with Islam? 

Where are they?

Does anyone think this is a bit odd? Mateen killed 50 with virtually no protests. Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown, a third-rate thug, in self-defense and half the country went berserk! I just don't understand how this country thinks. If Mateen were Stump Donaldson a Roman Catholic and shot 50 Muslims at the local mosque Barry, the US citizenry, the press, and the rest of the world would be all over it. They're on it you say? Yes, they are in a tepid sort of way. Reluctant to call it for what it is as Barry continues his two-step around the real issue... Muslim terrorism.

We are total fools managed by one who has his own agenda he can no longer hide.


Video 249

According to reports, Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar was recently invited to speak at the Husseini Islamic Center just outside of Orlando. His sermon—which occurred behind closed doors—was allegedly entitled “How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality.”

A firebrand Muslim cleric noted for sermons calling for gay people to be executed reportedly preached at an Orlando-area mosque just weeks before a homegrown terrorist gunned down at least 49 people at a gay nightclub.

Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar, a British-born scholar who currently lives in Iran and travels the world to spread his hateful message, preached at the Husseini Islamic Center in the Orlando suburb of Sanford last month. The sermon -- delivered behind closed doors -- was titled, “How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality” and raised the ire of local LGBT community leaders.

The sermon came just three years after Sekaleshfar had spoken at another engagement in the U.S. where he discussed his twisted idea of “compassion” for gay people.

“Death is the sentence. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence,” Sekaleshfar said during a 2013 sermon at the University of Michigan, according to Orlando-based WFTV 9. “We have to have that compassion for people. With homosexuals, it’s the same. Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.”

Officials for the Husseini Islamic Center said that they were not privy to the sheikh’s prior comments.

“The management at the Husseini Islamic Center were unaware of these remarks when he was invited,” a representative of the Orlando mosque told “Please understand that the singular views of guest speakers do not represent those of the Husseini Islamic Center. We want to reiterate that nothing, absolutely nothing, can justify yesterday’s atrocious actions.”

The news site also received comment from Sekaleshfar via Facebook in which he referred to shooter Omar Mateen as “an ill and perverted, animalistic entity who has abused an ideology to satiate his sad, twisted desires.”

“I am totally against the barbaric act of violence that has happened. In no way at all can such a killing be justified Islamically,” he said.

When asked about his alleged comments in March in Orlando regarding gays, Sekaleshfar chalked it up to “academic discussion” and that he was describing a “theoretical angle as to what Islam says.”

“I never gave the call to a death sentence,” he told Fusion, adding that his speech in 2013 had been taken out of context. “I was explaining what Islamic law – in a country whose people democratically desired Islamic law to be exercised – states in relation to NOT homosexuals, but rather in relation to when the act of anal copulation is executed in such an aforementioned public.”


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