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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Well it didn't take long

After a great speech (perhaps a little too long) Trump laid it out to the Muslim world Islamic terrorism will no longer be tolerated. What a striking departure from the ass-kissing, red line in the sand, “Islam is the fabric of American” bullshit Barry used to spew. But of course, while Trump’s words were still echoing through the halls in the Royal Court Palace in Riyadh WAPO was busy in their torpedo room (they call a newspaper) to help sink the USS Trump. This was their take on Trump's historic speech. They used this video to "illustrate" their point.

Video 346

Saudi Arabia's king awards Trump with top civilian honor - King Abdulaziz Necklace Medal

This is the headline:

Trump mocked Obama for bowing to a Saudi king. And then he …

Trump simply aided the king in getting the medal around his neck.


There's a comparison?

If you really wanted to know how many times Barry bowed down you could ask Larry Sinclair. But we can't.. he died...mysteriously.


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