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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Been to the supermarket lately?

As you're checking out you can't help but see magazine covers like these. 

The thought came across my mind. Michelle is no longer the first lady yet you see FAR more of her than the current first lady... the mesmerizing Melania.

If she was a Democrat the print media would be going apeshit! 

Which brings me back to Michelle.

Reality...They're trying to portray something she isn't.

By that I mean she can't be bald one minute and have a full head of hair the next.

This is why her makeup artist gets $1,500 an hour. 

The print... really all the MSM is desperately trying to 'hang on' to Michelle Obama and Barry for that matter. What did Obama accomplish as president? The answer. He's not Trump. The media yearns for the Obama's so much they found a sucker to pay them $65 million for a book deal.

So the next time you see a magazine cover with the captivating Michelle remember everything is not what it seems.


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