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Sunday, February 10, 2019

What's new on Netflix?

 Netflix summary of the show:

Drawing on her family's rich barbacoa tradition Christina Martinez has become a Philadelphia food star--and a voice for undocumented immigrants.

That's right folks she's illegal! 

Do you see the disconnect here? Trump's trying to scrounge up $5.6 billion for a wall to protect the citizenry meanwhile Netflix is turning illegals into food stars. E-Verify is a voluntary program (non-federal) which I'm sure Netflix is not participating in. So not only does Netflix avoid a fine but I guess as a prerequisite, you must be illegal to do the show!

Netflix interview:

"So you want to be a food star"?

(Yes, I do)

"If we submitted your name to E-Verify do you think you would pass muster"?

"No, estoy aquí ilegalmente."

(No, I'm here illegally)

Even when their here illegally.

She's an activist for illegals demanding equal pay, equal rights.


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