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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Imagine these two in the WH and we're left with Buttigieg to protect and defend America against all comers?

How much confidence do you place in that? 

Went to my fitness center. On the magazine table as I walked by there they were on the cover... Time magazine's new (unlikely... or chosen) residents of the WH. It stopped me in my tracks. I thought to myself...if Abraham Lincoln were alive today he would shit his pants.

This is progressivism in all its glory. Wikipedia defines it this way:

Progressivism is the support for or advocacy of social reform. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

 Got to admit it sounds great. So progressivism boils down to so-called progress...vital to the improvement of the human condition. Don't know about you but having two homosexuals in the WH running the country is not my idea of progress. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. A downward spiral into the pit of degeneracy. With progressivism, there's no end to the insanity because there can't be in order for it to persevere. They have to kick the door down in every debate... presenting the absurd as the norm. The progressive 'reconstruction of America' has no limit. The Civil War statues a testament to the ages had to go because they were found to be offensive. If they could talk I wonder what they would tell us? 

We need three bathrooms male, female, and for those who are not quite sure. 

Indigenous People Day kicked Christopher Columbus to the curb. And Joey Behar a budding economist about as astute as Paul Krugman had this to say, "Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday?" Can't you feel the pain in this progressive? Or is it another session with their closest ally insanity?

A few more glaring examples: 


CA alone spends $23 billion annually on illegals but we can't find $5.7 billion to build a wall to keep them out? From a cost analysis standpoint, you would have to be a Sears accountant not to figure this one out.

And while all this is going on instead of getting rid of illegals they want to get rid of ICE and turn Border Patrol into the Welcome Wagon!

This is progress? For who? Certainly not American taxpayers. It's bad enough they support illegals unconditionally, and by unconditionally I mean, they don't want them deported even after they commit murder!  


This one is a progressive Pro-Choice wet dream. Ever since Roe vs Wade became law we have observed a steady progression as to who, where, and when an abortion can take place. We are a far cry from when Roe vs Wade was initially enacted. So far away in fact that Dr. Kermit Gosnell who is now serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for killing babies born alive and then severing their spine (among other atrocities) could now legally have a thriving practice in NY doing the exact same thing! Thanks to a Catholic named Andrew Cuomo.


America is the most prosperous successful nation in the world proving Capitalism works. I say that out of pride and love for my country.  But it also happens to be a rock solid fact. So what do progressives/socialists want to do?   'Fix' America so we will no longer have the dilemma of providing the highest standard of living in the world by changing our way of government from Capitalism to Socialism even though Socialism has proven to be a dismal failure time and time again.  

Bernie and a plethora of other progressives/socialists are leading the caravan departing from the United States...destination Venezuela. Are you prepared to follow their lead?

 I hope not.


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