Well, Well, Well...
if they're going to blindfold Trump then put him before a firing squad what are they going to do with Barry? The guy who gave $150 billion (that's billion with a B) to Iran the Number One State Sponsor of Terrorism?

MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan pressed 2020 presidential candidate Bill Weld on Monday after he mentioned execution as a consequence for President Donald Trump’s alleged treason.
The former Republican Massachusetts governor spoke on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” earlier in the day and called for Trump to be charged with treason for allegedly talking “about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election.”
I love it!
"You went a 'little bit' further..."
They're both so full of shit I can smell them from here!
Video 521
“You went a little bit further than just impeachment in your prior comments,” Jordan said, bringing the conversation back to the possible consequence of execution. “And I just want to continue with that a bit. You said that Donald Trump has committed treason, and the penalty for treason under American law, is death.”
“What’s the legal framework here? Have you looked into this? How do you see this proceeding?”
Weld responded again by noting that “the only penalty for treason is death,” doubling down on his thought that Trump needs “to be carted off to save us all.”
“We have treason,” Weld said after Jordan noted she wanted to continue to see what he meant with his rhetoric. “We can go right for the hoop.”
A whistleblower complaint reportedly stated that Trump asked Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter during a phone call.
Trump denied the allegations, calling them “highly partisan,” suggesting Biden was the one who tried to influence a Ukrainian prosecutor into not investigating his son’s company.
MSNBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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