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Monday, November 9, 2020

All the networks call Joe Bribem the winner


They had to because it would expose the absurdity...Had the election continued much longer Trump would lose by more votes than their are people living in the United States!

All I can say is Trump gave it his all. He had to run against Bribem, the polls, the MSM, FB, Twitter …and now they had to resort to cheating so they could drag the SOB over the finish line!

I chalked this up as a gaffe. It was. He was supposed to say 'voter fraud prevention'
but instead he spoke the truth.

Video 602

Where's Hunter?

While Trump's son's were on the campaign helping their father Hunter was forced into isolation to protect the Biden Crime Family only to emerge now to bask in the glory. People can't see through this? What a crock of shit. 

If you took a sample test of all the mail in ballots I bet 6 to 8% of them are fraudulent. Ari Fleischer said yesterday a guy named ’Smith’ voted who died in 1999. Also there were more ballots casts is some precincts than people registered to vote. One thing is sure. The Dems were all in when it came to mail in ballots. All you need to know right there. I feel confident had there not been mail in voting the results would have been quite similar to 2016. 

As we know the polls were all lies. When asked why the polls are so skewed against Trump (I believe is was MSNBC) they blamed it on, get ready for this, Russian Disinformation. 

 Trump called it Suppression Polls and he is so right. How many people didn’t vote for Trump because their attitude was…He’s going to lose anyway why bother? How in the hell do you go from Biden +17 to Trump losing by .7 in Wisconsin? Clean up the fraud and Trump most likely won. 

If Trump had lost fair and square we’ll just have to accept it. But there is a whole slew of improprieties going on in 2020 which makes the 2000 election look like a cake-walk. 


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