Hannity: Clinton machine perpetrates 'electronic Watergate'
Sean Hannity reacts to Special Counsel John Durham's findings alleging lawyers from Clinton campaign paid to penetrate Trump's servers.
Sean Hannity crushed Hillary Clinton amid the findings from the Durham probealleging lawyers from her campaign paid to have Trump's servers penetrated, calling it "the biggest election and presidential spying scandal in the history" of the United States Monday.
"We now know that the Clinton campaign paid a tech firm to infiltrate the servers at Trump Tower and then later infiltrate the servers at the Trump White House, in other words, illegally spying on a presidential candidate. And later, a president … [The goal [was to] fabricate evidence that President Trump was a Russian asset," Hannity said. "This is far worse than Watergate."

The Watergate scandal involved Nixon campaign associates who broke into DNC headquarters at the Washington, D.C., Watergate office building where they stole campaign documents.
"Now, of course, the business was conducted a little differently in 1972 versus 2016, when this all went down. In the age of the internet, you don't need to break into a building to steal your opponent's information. You just need access to their server. And that is exactly what the Clinton campaign did," Hannity said.

"But here's where this is even worse than Watergate. Not only did they hack into the opposing campaign and steal material like in the case of Watergate, but then they hacked into the office of the president of this great country, according to Durham's blockbuster filing," the "Hannity" host said.
"This is something maybe we would expect from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea. Not an American political campaign. And clearly, the Clinton machine was willing to do anything and everything legal and illegal to win an election."
Hannity went on to blast the media for largely ignoring the Durham probe findings.
"Where's Bob Woodward? Where's Bernstein? Carl Bernstein? Remember they once cared about journalism through their top-secret source Deep Throat. They broke the Watergate story wide open. Now they are nowhere to be found," Hannity said. "For them, politics is much more important."

(Original Caption) Bob Woodward (left) and Carl Bernstein, Washington Post staff writers who have been investigating the Watergate case, at their desk in the Post.
(There are no Woodward's and Bernstein's when it comes to investigating Democrats)
Hannity offered a motive for the mainstream media turning a blind eye to the scandal.
'Now, the reason the media will ignore this story that is bigger than Watergate is because they are accomplices. The entire time they have lied, the entire time they advanced their propaganda almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and they did it for over three years. They knew … but their hatred of Donald Trump was more important than the truth."
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