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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Michelle Obama said she sobbed uncontrollably for 30 minutes straight after leaving the White House on Trump's inauguration day

What a liar she is. I distinctly remember her saying she couldn't wait to get out of the White House because she felt like she was in “prison”. Now that she's out (unlike the Carter’s) she's living in the lap of luxury. Pretty good for someone who was only proud of her country once.

"There were tears, there was that emotion. But then to sit on that stage and watch the opposite of what we represented on display — there was no diversity, there was no color on that stage," Obama said. "There was no reflection of the broader sense of America.” White is not a color? Was Trump or Melania supposed to be black? Think she's been watching too many TV commercials. 

The only reason there was diversity at Barry's inauguration (the crowd) was because they're Black. I bet 99% of Black people voted for him. Of course, if a substantial part of the white population didn't vote for him he would've never been president. That's a fact she conveniently left out.

Carter, Barry, and Bribem. Three of the worst presidents this country ever had.


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