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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baraigula the Mad

Ed Kilbane
Senior National Correspondent
Hemingway Report

This graphic is similar to Pelosi's take on the healthcare bill.

 By that I mean you have to click it to find out what's in it.

Party guests from left to right:

Tim Geithner,  John Kerry,  KSM,  Oprah,  Nancy Pelosi,  Joe Biden,  Axelrod, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Party Crashers #1, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Party Crashers #2, Harry Reid ,John Edwards, Bluto, Andy Stern, Bill Clinton (and probably Monica) Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Barney Frank, Kevin Jennings.

Statues left to right: Che Guevara, Saul Alinsky, Obama, Chairman Mao, Lenin


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baracks Bullshit Bingo

I used to avoid listening to Obama's speeches. Now, I look forward to the next one.
Here is something to help make Obama's speeches almost tolerable. Just print this page, distribute it to friends, then tune in to his next speech........

Rules for Bullshit Bingo:

1. Before Barrack Obama's next televised speech, print your "Bullshit Bingo"

2. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of those words/phrases.

3. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"


Monday, September 5, 2011

All you need to know about Perry

Prelude to the following story.

Perry has never lost an election and was a pilot in the military but did he just jettison the entire Tea Party?  This guy is McCain in disguise. He is more interested in importing illegals then deporting them.   If I was Romney I'd pounce on this quicker then a Democrat on stimulus! To be honest, I never cared much for Perry and this seals it. In some ways he reminds me of that phony preacher Rev Ernest Ainsley.

BTW did you know Perry supported Al "Global Warming" Gore  in the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries and chaired the Gore campaign in Texas? 

Perry's dead in my book.

Perry tells NH no to border fence

Associated Press

Republican presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, speaks to guests at a house party, Saturday, Sept. 3, 2011, in Manchester, N.H.

He may have been 2,000 miles from the border, but Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry's immigration record in Texas quickly became the focus in New Hampshire Saturday afternoon.

Speaking to hundreds of Granite State voters at a private reception, the Texas governor was asked whether he supported a fence along the Mexican border.

"No, I don't support a fence on the border," he said. "The fact is, it's 1,200 miles from Brownsville to El Paso. Two things: How long you think it would take to build that? And then if you build a 30-foot wall from El Paso to Brownsville, the 35-foot ladder business gets real good."

I wish I could think of the liberal who first coined that phrase.

The answer produced an angry shout from at least one audience member. And it exposed an ongoing rift with some conservative voters over Perry's immigration record.

Tea party activists in Texas have been particularly upset by his steady opposition to the fence. He also signed a law giving illegal immigrants in-state tuition for Texas universities. And Texas tea party groups sent Perry an open letter this year expressing disappointment over his failure to get a bill passed that would have outlawed "sanctuary cities," municipalities that protect illegal immigrants.

Perry has surged to the lead in national polls since joining the presidential race just three weeks ago. But New Hampshire Republicans are just getting to know him.

Saturday's visit marks the third time he visited the first-in-the-nation primary state since joining the race.

Despite having deep Southern roots and conservative social positions, the Texas native has indicated he will compete aggressively in New Hampshire, where both Republicans and independents vote in the primary election.

Texas ranks high in job creation.  Maybe it's because half the work force is comprised of illegals.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

This story just keeps getting more weird

With unemployment at 9.1% and 14 million people out of work the country needs more jobs right? What does this administration do? Try to close down the new Boeing plant in SC. Now it looks like it wants to get rid of jobs at Gibson. In the meantime DOL Hilda Solis is doing television commercials informing illegals they have a right to a fair wage!

In an attempt to bullshit America she tries to smooooothe it over with the phrase "whether documented or not."

Sounds so much... "more fitting" ..then illegal.

Gibson: Feds Want Guitar Woodwork Done by Foreign Labor

Gibson Guitar Corp. is claiming the Obama administration wants more of its woodwork done overseas, as a bizarre battle heats up between the government and one of the country's most renowned guitar makers.

The dispute started in 2009, when federal agents raided the company over suspect wood shipments from Madagascar. Gibson took that case to court but has denounced the administration with a vengeance after agents returned late last month to raid several Gibson factories -- this time out of concern that Indian export laws had been violated.

Though some reports on the dispute have cited environmental concerns, court documents suggest the latest battle boils down to a simple, non-environmental question -- which country is working on the wood?

Gibson's CEO has said repeatedly that the only reason his company is in trouble is because U.S. workers are completing work on guitar fingerboards in the United States. In an interview earlier this week, CEO Henry Juszkiewicz claimed that the U.S. government even suggested Gibson's troubles would disappear if the company used foreign labor.

The Justice Department is hamstrung from talking about the case because it's an ongoing investigation. Justice spokesman Wyn Hornbuckle told only that agents were looking for evidence of "possible violations" of a law governing imports of plants and wildlife.

Hornbuckle also confirmed that no charges have yet been filed in either of the two cases.

Court documents help explain the root of the tree dispute. According to search warrants associated with the latest raid, federal agents in June intercepted a shipment of Indian ebony apparently bound for Gibson in Tennessee. The documents noted that Indian law "prohibits the export of sawn wood," which can be used for fingerboards -- but does not prohibit the export of "veneers," which are sheets of woods that have already been worked on.

The search warrants alleged that the intercepted shipment was "falsely declared" as veneer, something that would have been legal. However, the documents said the ebony was in fact unfinished "sawn wood," supposedly illegal.

This led to the raid on Gibson facilities late last month.

Juszkiewicz said in a statement that the U.S. government has effectively suggested "that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department's interpretation of a law in India."

A representative at the Indian Embassy in Washington could not be reached for comment.

But Juszkiewicz has since claimed that his company's wood exports do in fact comply with Indian law, even if American workers are doing some of the work.

In an interview on the company website, Juszkiewicz said Gibson "for decades" has purchased fingerboard wood that is two-thirds finished.

"The fact that American workers are completing the work in the United States makes it illegal," he said, citing the government's position.

Juszkiewicz maintains Gibson is still complying with the law.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Ant vs. The Grasshopper

On a tip from Keith Grant

This one is a little different.....Two Different Versions .....
There are Different Morals 


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and 
laying up supplies for the winter. 

The grasshopper 
thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. 
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, 
so he dies out in the cold.


Be responsible for yourself!


The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house
and laying up supplies for the winter. 

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering
grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving. 

show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with 
a table filled with food.
America is stunned by the sharp contrast.. 

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is  allowed to suffer so? 

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah
with the grasshopper  and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green..'

ACORN stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing,We shall overcome.

Then Rev. Jeremiah Wright 
has the group kneel down to pray for the grasshopper's sake. 

President Obama condemns the ant 
and blames  President Bush, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the
grasshopper's plight. 

Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid   exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has
gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, 
and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share. 

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act
retroactive to the beginning of  the summer. 

The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number  of green bugs and, 
having  nothing left to  pay his retroactive 
taxes, his home is confiscated by the  Government  Green Czar 
and given  to the grasshopper.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading  friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's  food while the government house he is  in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it. 

The ant has  disappeared in the snow, 
never to be seen again.

The grasshopper is found  dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now  abandoned, is taken over  by a gang of  spiders  who terrorize and ramshackle, the once prosperous and peaceful, neighborhood. 

The entire Nation collapses
 bringing the rest 
of the free world with it. 


Be careful how you vote in 2012
