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Monday, January 7, 2013

Buchanan: The Depardieu revolution


Top French court overturns 75 percent tax rate for rich

The Kremlin has cast Gerard Depardieu in one of the most surprising roles of his life — as a new Russian citizen.

I understand why Depardieu would leave France. 

But for Russia?

Another great tip from Ed Kilbane

Thomas Sowell 
An interesting observation: 

 "Why is it greedy to try to keep what you earn, but not greedy to try to take what someone else earns?"

 The utter simplicity of his statement hit me between the eyes like a baseball bat. First jealously set in... it's so obvious.. why didn't I think of that? Then the reality plopped down heavily... wish I had half the intelligence of Mr Sowell.

 Story By
Pat Buchanan

When Socialist President Francois Hollande took office, he swiftly made good on his pledge to raise the top tax rate on Frenchmen who earn a million euros a year — to 75 percent.

The regime would now confiscate three of four dollars that the most successful Frenchmen earned. Paris also imposes a wealth tax on assets worth more than $1.7 million.

This broke it for Gerard Depardieu, the famed actor and bon vivant who has performed in scores of films in such roles as Jean Valjean in "Les Miserables" and Cyrano de Bergerac.

Depardieu put his Paris mansion up for sale, crossed the border into the Belgian village of Nechin, gave up his French passport and is renouncing his French citizenship. A tiny community of French already reside in Nechin, a kilometer beyond the reach of Hollande's tax police.

Depardieu says that this past year 85 percent of all he earned went for taxes. Over a 45-year career, he contends, almost $200 million in income has been taxed away by the French government.

"I don't like the rich," Hollande has said. Does Barry have any French relatives?

The sentiment is reciprocated. One French radio station claims that 5,000 French citizens have fled since he took office.

Hollande's regime, writes Edward Cody of The Washington Post, has all but declared Depardieu a traitor. Labor Minister Michel Sapin calls him an example of "personal degradation." Culture Minister Aurelie Filippetti charges him with "deserting the battlefield in a war against the economic crisis."

"When someone loves France, he should serve," says Hollande, calling Depardieu "pathetic" and "unpatriotic."

Which raises a question for Americans. For our revolution was born of a tax rebellion against the Stamp Act, the Townshend duties and the tea tax that led to the Boston Tea Party.

Purpose of these taxes: Have the colonies pay a fair share of the cost of the French and Indian War, in which British soldiers had driven the enemies of the colonies out of the Ohio Valley.

But when farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against a whiskey tax to defray the cost of our Revolutionary War, President Washington marched out with 13,000 militia to crush that tax rebellion.

While the socialist left has come down hardest on Depardieu, he is well within a tradition of the cultural left.

As The Associated Press' Thomas Addison reports, when the British top tax rate was 95 percent in the 1960s, the Beatles' George Harrison wrote "Taxman" with the lyrics, "There's one for you, 19 for me."

In 2005, Beatles' drummer Ringo Starr moved to Monaco, where the income tax rate is zero.

Sean Connery, the first "James Bond," departed Britain in the 1960s for Spain and the Bahamas, writes Addison, "another spot with zero income tax." In the 1970s, his successor as 007, Roger Moore, also chose tax exile in Monaco. In those years of confiscatory tax rates in England, the Rolling Stones relocated to Southern France.

What does this teach us?

That socialism, the forced redistribution of income and wealth from those who produce it to those who do not, eventually forces a man to choose between himself and his family — and his government.

Socialism creates and exacerbates a conflict in loyalties. A regime that takes three of every four dollars a man earns is an enemy of what that man works to accomplish for himself and his family.

Mitt Romney was castigated for keeping bank accounts in the Caymans, Bermuda and Switzerland. Yet countless U.S. companies leave profits abroad to evade U.S. taxes.

Californians flee to Nevada, Arizona, Idaho and Colorado to escape Golden State taxes. Are they disloyal to their home state, or are they doing what is right by their families, their first responsibility?

With federal income taxes on America's most successful rising today to almost 40 percent, New York City residents will also pay a top rate of 12 percent to the state and city plus a 9 percent sales tax on their purchases, plus payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security, plus property taxes, auto taxes, gas taxes and cigarette taxes.

For many successful Americans, over half of all they earn is now taken by government. And reading The New York Times' year-end editorial, these may soon be seen as the good old days.

The Times urges Obama to consider sweeping new taxes to "reduce income inequality." Among the revenue raisers for which it urges consideration: Almost tripling the capital tax rate to 40 percent, capping deductions for high earners, restoring the estate tax to confiscatory levels, higher tax rates or surcharges on multimillion-dollar incomes and raising the corporate tax rate — already the highest in the world.

"All that would be only a start," says the Times. A carbon tax, a value-added tax, a financial transactions tax should all be looked at.

Can a man love his country and hate its government? Of course. Ask Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Ask the patriots of '76.

This un-American and egalitarian fanaticism rearing its head today may one day force just such a question upon American patriots.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Coming Attractions-The Debt Ceiling

If you think the fiscal cliff was a disaster watch what happens as we approach the debt ceiling debate. If they raise the debt ceiling it will be the 80th time in our nations history. Both Republicans and Democrats are equally to blame. It makes you wonder why we even have a debt ceiling.

Boehner took it on the chin during the fiscal cliff debacle. Republicans caved in faster then a West Virginia coal mine after an explosion. It was supposed to be a compromise right? Spending cuts in exchange for a tax increase on the wealthy. So how did it pan out? Not $2 or $3 of new taxes for every dollar cut in spending. Try $41 to $1. 

$41 in additional taxes for every $1 of spending cuts. You call that a compromise!!! Barry got just about everything he wanted. The GOP nothing.

The next plight is already in the making.

Obama: Not raising debt ceiling could be "catastrophic"

(Everything is catastrophic with this guy. Why? He's the president)

This statement fired off the first salvo over the bow. Translation... If Republicans don't raise the debt ceiling it will be "catastrophic"...

He's already penciled them in to take the fall. Barry does have the uncanny ability to shift blame and responsibility from himself and cast it upon others with the full cooperation of the media. Some past presidents led by example. Barry has always lead from behind.  This worthless waste of skin has increased the national debt by almost $6 trillion already! When are the assholes in the media ever going to wake up?

 Now its Boehner's turn. Time to turn the tables. Time for a little payback. As the debt ceiling debate drags on (nothing happens until the last minute...leadership remember?) if I were Boehner I would show these videos on Capitol Hill, C-Span, etc... for all America to see.

Senator Obama 2006 

Not that I am a firm believer in Snopes but for those who require a stamp of approval.

I would pass out the transcript:

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” …….. Senator Barack Obama 2006

Here's another one for reinforcement removing any doubt:

You simply can't have it both ways.

Barry campaigning 2008, this is sooo rich. At the time the debt was $10.6 trillion now its almost $16.5... and he hasn't even been sworn in yet for his 2nd term!!!
The word hypocrisy doesn't even begin to cover this. This guy is nothing but a fraud. A celebrity sculpted with empty promises and deceptions, a lying worthless snake the liberal media helped perpetrate as the salvation for America.

(click post title if video won't load)

Pure and simple. The guy is a con artist. If you're not convinced by his owns words I really don't know what else I can say. 

Another downgrade is right around the corner. When we borrow 43 cents on every dollar we spend it's inevitable.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Demand a plan

 Hollywood celebrities are now lining up behind Barry in a show of support against gun violence; the same violence their very movies glorify! There are two reasons for this.

One is a convoluted "giddy" infatuation with Barry.

The other, which you may be unaware, Barry "donated" a portion of  your tax dollars in the fiscal cliff bill by extending film production company tax credits. Thereby continuing the tradition of payback for his friends in Hollywood. If the Bush tax cuts had to go for the rich, why isn't Barry's "fair share" bullshit applied to the Hollywood crowd? I'm sure Chris (Countrywide Scandal) Dodd's position as head of the Motion Picture Association of America had nothing to do with it. Wasn't the GOP the scapegoat for the rich not paying their fair share? How many people in the motion picture industry are middle income? 

I was especially amused by the appearance of  Beyoncé. Between her and her husband they probably have more guns then their local PD. The word hypocrisy can sometimes be "overworked".  Not this time. After watching the killing spree in this video think back and try to count  how many people  Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Willis, etc, have killed through the years, then tell me some of this gratuitous violence  from movies, video games, and rap music hasn't manifested itself in the psychopaths pulling off these atrocities.

The celebs participating in this are as believable as PITA doing a commercial for for KFC.

Collectively the death toll of these three...

Is probably only exceeded by him.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hillary Clinton Blood Clot Was Life-Threatening, Say Medical Experts

My first reaction was…. what is the going rate for a doctor to lie?

My second, assuming it's true, the law of averages finally kicked in. The Clinton's have been in embroiled in so many scandals and fabrications over the years every time they open their mouth what routinely comes out is just another  lie. The bottom line is we have grown so accustomed to it we don't even know what the truth is anymore.

Hillary Clinton's Blood Clot Could Have Been Life Threatening

Hillary Clinton's latest health update -- cerebral venous thrombosis -- is a rare and potentially "life-threatening" condition, according to medical experts, but one from which the globe-trotting secretary of state is likely to recover from.

In an update from her doctors, Clinton's brain scans revealed a clot had formed in the right transverse venous sinus, and she was being successfully treated with anticoagulants.

"She is lucky being Hillary Clinton and had a follow-up MRI -- lucky that her team thought to do it," said Dr. Brian D. Greenwald, medical director at JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Center for Head Injuries. "It could have potentially serious complications."

The backup of blood flow could have caused a stroke or hemorrhage, according to Greenwald.

"Imagine this vein, where all the cerebral spinal fluid inside the head and spine no longer flows through this area," he said. "You get a big back up and that itself could cause a stroke. In the long-term … the venous system can't get the blood out of the brain. It's like a Lincoln Tunnel back up."

A transverse sinus thrombosis is a clot arising in one of the major veins that drains the brain. It is an uncommon but serious disorder.

According to Greenwald, the clot was most likely caused by dehydration brought on by the flu, perhaps exacerbated by a concussion she recently suffered.

"The only time I have seen it happen is when people are severely dehydrated and it causes the blood to be so thick that it causes a clot in the area," said Greenwald. "It's one of the long-term effects of a viral illness."

Drs. Lisa Bardack of the Mt. Kisco Medical Group and Dr. Gigi El-Bayoumi of George Washington University discovered the clot during a routine follow-up MRI on Sunday.

"This is a clot in the vein that is situated in the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear," they said in a statement today. "It did not result in a stroke, or neurological damage. To help dissolve this clot, her medical team began treating the secretary with blood thinners. She will be released once the medication dose has been established."

Clinton is "making excellent progress," according to her doctors. "She is in good spirits, engaging with her doctors, her family, and her staff."

Clinton, 65, was hospitalized at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Sunday. She suffered a concussion earlier this month after she hit her head when she fainted because of dehydration from a stomach virus, according to an aide.

Dehydration can also precipitate fainting, according to Dr. Neil Martin, head of neurovascular surgery at University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center.

He agreed that the condition could potentially have caused a brain hemorrhage or stroke and been fatal.

"In patients with no symptoms after many days, full recovery is the norm," said Martin. "However, some cases show extension of the thrombus or clot into other regions of the cerebral venous sinuses, and this can worsen the situation considerably -- thus the use of anticoagulants to prevent extension of the thrombus."

But, he said, anticoagulants can be a "double-edged sword." With even a tiny injury within the brain from the concussion, these medications can cause "symptomatic bleed," such as a subdural or intracerebral hemorrhage.

The clot location is not related to the nasal sinuses, but are rather large venous structures in the dura or protective membrane covering the brain, which drains blood from the brain.


Monday, December 31, 2012

Its Like A Pirates Treasure Map

If you were a fledgling burglar and this benevolent liberal rag (The Journal News) provided you with this map where would you go?

They published all the names and addresses of people who own handguns indicated by red dots. Thus, the unwitting morons, also made public those that don't. They're trying to juxtapose law abiding gun owners with the deranged psychopath Sandy Hook shooter. Truthfully I don't know who was more unhinged. The shooter or his mother. What was the mental state of the mother teaching her son how to shoot while she's plotting to have him committed to a psychiatric ward?

I understand a blogger got a hold of the names and addresses of the newspaper's employees and published them. I heard they're upset. Possibly their privacy was violated? One thing for certain. 
They damn sure don't own a gun.

Update : 1-3-2013
The Journal News just hired armed security to protect the employees at the newspaper!

Law abiding citizens who own handguns legally...  BAD
Armed security to protect THE JOURNAL NEWS employees... GOOD

This is just like their posture with oil. They're against drilling and fracking but they want their car to start when they turn the key.

 Beyond Pitiful
