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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Demand a plan

 Hollywood celebrities are now lining up behind Barry in a show of support against gun violence; the same violence their very movies glorify! There are two reasons for this.

One is a convoluted "giddy" infatuation with Barry.

The other, which you may be unaware, Barry "donated" a portion of  your tax dollars in the fiscal cliff bill by extending film production company tax credits. Thereby continuing the tradition of payback for his friends in Hollywood. If the Bush tax cuts had to go for the rich, why isn't Barry's "fair share" bullshit applied to the Hollywood crowd? I'm sure Chris (Countrywide Scandal) Dodd's position as head of the Motion Picture Association of America had nothing to do with it. Wasn't the GOP the scapegoat for the rich not paying their fair share? How many people in the motion picture industry are middle income? 

I was especially amused by the appearance of  Beyoncé. Between her and her husband they probably have more guns then their local PD. The word hypocrisy can sometimes be "overworked".  Not this time. After watching the killing spree in this video think back and try to count  how many people  Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Willis, etc, have killed through the years, then tell me some of this gratuitous violence  from movies, video games, and rap music hasn't manifested itself in the psychopaths pulling off these atrocities.

The celebs participating in this are as believable as PITA doing a commercial for for KFC.

Collectively the death toll of these three...

Is probably only exceeded by him.


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