(This is a response to the previous post.)
Uncle Sucker's America
By Edward Kilbane
Kind of makes me feel real good. We liberals truly are compassionate, loving and sharing people.
Oh by the way, can you empty out your savings account and send it to Washington so we can continue to do good deeds like this? I can't afford to pay anything myself because I just bought a new Prius hybrid and I need it to protect the environment from people like you. It cost $10,000 more than a Chevy Malibu but I'll make it up in gas savings if I drive it for 750,000 miles. OK, I'll be honest, I didn't actually pay for it myself, I got a liars loan to buy it. I don't pay taxes but I'm getting a tax rebate check. This is wonderful. Unfortunately, I have to use it to rent a Washington condo to attend the innaguration next week and then march with Michael Moore and Rosie in some anti-war and pro-choice demonstrations. I spend a lot of my time and energy working on ways to protect my rights to your money instead of doing something really productive like supporting myself through my own efforts. I spent almost all my time leading up to the election registering illegal aliens to vote for Obama. Had to give them most of my pot. If you would just give me all your money now and stop resisting, I wouldn't have to go to all these marches and I could better spend my time watching The View and Oprah on one of my two flat screen TVs. I also need a government grant to go back to college and get an advanced degree in social studies. I hear these degrees are real easy to get if you suck up to all the liberal, socialist "professors". The welfare department needs to hire a lot of people to pass out your money and I want to be a part of it - both giving and receiving! My future looks so bright!
By the way, don't think about becoming a liberal like me. We already have too many liberals that can be supported by hard-working, conservative suckers like you. We can't afford to tip the delicate balance. As long as we have 51% we can continue to vote ourselves your money without killing the goose that lays the welfare eggs. We need you suckers to pay for our rights. I read somewhere that the parasite doesn't kill its host because that would be suicide for him. They just suck enough blood to make their hosts real sick but not kill them. You are a wonderful host and I hope you don't mind being stuck in the minority of conservative, self- supporting, productive citizens who slave away to pay taxes so I can continue to get my free benefits. Oops, shouldn't have used that word "slave". No reparations for you sucker!
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