1. Leon Panetta appointed head of the CIA. No law enforcement or Homeland Security experience.
2. BHO signs an executive order on 1-22-09 ordering Gitmo to be closed down within a year. (The liberal preoccupation with this fascinates me!) These bastards can no more be rehabilitated then you can teach a rattlesnake to say the rosary.
3. There are approximately 250 detainees at Gitmo right now. Some of whom have been previously released went on to kill again. Kill Americans I might add! Their own country of origin does not want them back! I guess that should tell us something. Department of Defense spokesman J.D. Gordon said this: "There is an inherent risk in detainee transfers and releases, as over 60 ex-Gitmo detainees have reportedly returned to terrorism".
America must now endure the financial strain of bringing them here and providing legal council which is going to cost the American taxpayer untold millions. Are we not in a financial melt down already? Is this the next Democratic stimulus freak show? Out of 250 detainees you just know some bleeding-heart liberal judge is going to set some of them free. Free to go where? To meld into our American society?
4. Just to add frosting on the cake BHO signs still another executive order to prohibit the use of waterboarding and harsh interrogation techniques by ordering the CIA to follow military rules for questioning prisoners. This executive order is issued even though terrorist's break every rule of the Geneva Convention. Their rule goes something like this, We're cutting off your head. Do want us to start at the throat or the back of your neck? The liberal pollyanna consensus is...if we're nice to them...they'll be nice to us. The truth of the matter is terrorists view this as a sign of weakness. All this does is embolden them.
By the way I wonder how the families who lost love one's on 911 feel about this? Now put the four pieces of this puzzle together and what do you see?
I see the horizon and hear the unmistakable low rumblings of thunder. In the distance lightning flashes white neon branches in a black sky. The coming together of the perfect storm.
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