Mug shot of Craig 2007
You remember Larry Craig? He was the Republican Senator from Idaho. I said (was) because he was forced to resign in disgrace after a sting operation in a bathroom incident in Minneoplis when his foot touched a police officer's foot in the stall next to him. There was no sexual act committed.
Craig pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct by signing and mailing a plea petition, dated August 1, 2007, to the Hennepin District Court in Minnesota. He paid $575, including fines and fees.
After the incident men were coming out of the woodwork claiming to have had sex with Craig. Late night talk shows had a field day. I'm not defending Craig. I think he's guilty.
Hold this thought a minute... He was forced to resign in disgrace...
Enter Congressman Barney Frank
Barney Frank Keynote Speaker at Gayla
Barney Frank Threesome
Guess who gave the keynote speech at the People’s Inaugural LGBT Gayla, yup you guessed right Barney Frank. Wearing a tuxedo and spewing his normal mumble jumble non-sense Barney Frank the gay congressmen from Massachusetts talked about anal sex and prostate dildos. For those lucky enough to attend I am sure most enjoyed the thoughts of a naked Frank hovering behind them!
Barney Frank grabbing Mike Evans' ass at the Equality Forum in Philedelphia
(Barney Frank and another of his gay lovers.)
In 1990, The House Ethics Committee recommended Frank be reprimanded because he "reflected discredit upon the House" by using his congressional office to fix 33 of Steve Gobie's parking tickets. Frank confirmed that he paid Gobie for sex, hired him with personal funds as an aide and wrote letters on congressional stationery on his behalf to Virginia probation officials, but Frank said he fired Gobie when he learned that prostitution clients were visiting the apartment.
The investigation into Gobie and Frank's interactions were prompted by Gobie's attempt to cash in on assertions that Frank knew and approved of Gobie's illegal activities in the Frank residence. "Two years [after Frank fired Gobie], Gobie tried unsuccessfully to sell his story to the Washington Post. He then gave the story to the Washington Times for nothing, in hopes of getting a book contract for the male version of "The Mayflower Madam."-----------------------------------------------
Another of Barney Frank's Lovers Was An Executive with Fannie Mae

Herbert H Moses
This is probably why Frank was supporting Fannie and Freddie as they were swirling around about to go down the toilet!
This is his current live in boyfriend
Bottom line. Craig (R) tried to cover up is sexuality and had to resign.
on the other hand
Frank (D) is openly gay. He is referred to as the "honorable" Barney Frank.
I don't know. Maybe it's me. But it seems there's
a double standard here.
You make the call.