The True (and Pathetic) Story
of the Torrid Romance Between
Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media
True...? You bet your ass!
The question is... how long will the media be able to prop this guy up?
I was in my local supermarket the other day. For some reason I walked down the magazine aisle. I never walk down that aisle. Why? There is no food. Don't ask what I was doing in that aisle but there I was. Surrounding me were dozens of publications with BHO on the cover. I was stunned at the number. I swear half of them must have had his picture on the cover.
When I finished shopping I stood in line at the check out counter. My turn came and I began emptying my cart and putting my stuff on the counter. As I was doing this I looked up to see M&M's on the display rack. No not the candy. Michelle and the Messiah. There they were. Plastered on the cover of just about every tabloid. Brad and Angelina looked so alone I almost felt sorry for them.
After I got home and put everything away, I sat down and turned on the TV. Some guy was trying to sell me an Obama plate for $19.95. Somehow, listening to the guy, I got the feeling Obama and Abraham Lincoln were related. You know, like Arrr..nold and Devito. Twins. He said, "But wait...if you act now we'll send you two sets. That's right.. two sets for $19.95...but you have to act now!"
Hope and change, its not. Tax and spend, it is. Same shit. Different face.
This slobbering love affair is already beginning to show chinks in its armour... degrading as I write this... headed south... down the path... the torrid romance turning into the Saga of OJ & Nicole.

When I finished shopping I stood in line at the check out counter. My turn came and I began emptying my cart and putting my stuff on the counter. As I was doing this I looked up to see M&M's on the display rack. No not the candy. Michelle and the Messiah. There they were. Plastered on the cover of just about every tabloid. Brad and Angelina looked so alone I almost felt sorry for them.
After I got home and put everything away, I sat down and turned on the TV. Some guy was trying to sell me an Obama plate for $19.95. Somehow, listening to the guy, I got the feeling Obama and Abraham Lincoln were related. You know, like Arrr..nold and Devito. Twins. He said, "But wait...if you act now we'll send you two sets. That's right.. two sets for $19.95...but you have to act now!"
Gitmo to be closed down
Unparalleled spending going up
Throwing good money after bad
Cutting money to the military to look good
Market in free-fall
Taxes going up
Deductions going away
Gitmo to be closed down
Unparalleled spending going up
Throwing good money after bad
Cutting money to the military to look good
Market in free-fall
Taxes going up
Deductions going away
Hope and change, its not. Tax and spend, it is. Same shit. Different face.
This slobbering love affair is already beginning to show chinks in its armour... degrading as I write this... headed south... down the path... the torrid romance turning into the Saga of OJ & Nicole.

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