Conservative commentary and social views...sometimes with a satirical twist
On the evening of March 7th, Nancy Pelosi spoke before a crowd of immigrants and illegal aliens.
Choosing the rights of illegal immigrants over the rights of American citizens, Pelosi informed the crowd that ICE raids were “un-American” and should be stopped immediately.
This is a slap in the face to law enforcement and border patrol agents who are trying to protect our border! This bitch should be run out of town on a rail. What happened to "Defend and protect the Constitution!"
“…I want to join all of you in welcoming my colleague Congressman Gutierrez to San Francisco. As he… (applause) As he said, he’s on a nationwide tour that goes on and on across the country, lobbying for and advocating for comprehensive immigration policy.
And yes a fair policy for everyone to stop the raids. To stop the raids….
…How then could America say it’s ok to send parents of children away? What value system is that? I think it’s un-American. I think it’s un-American…
… Who in our country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families?
It must be stopped. It must be stopped.
Gutierrez, (unintelligible) I know San Francisco Organizing Project (unintelligible) has been part of this and St. Peter’s and St. Anthony’s, and so many to make this evening such an important testimony to the need for change….
…And all over the country it’s going to said… But, I want to bear witness to, people are turning out with courage and conviction and, and insistence that this stop. There are ways it can stop, by just changing policy by the administration, which I think will happen, but we need comprehensive immigration reform and we need it soon. And we need it soon. And we need it soon….
…But for this really to work, in addition to trying to help individual families, we have to have a change in policy and practice and again… can’t say enough; The raids must end. The raids must end.”
This is a statement made by Harry ("The war is lost") Reid in 2007 on the proposed Shamesty Bill defeated by people who really love America.
"This week we are going to complete this legislation and we will hopefully complete the final passage that will strengthen our border security and bring 12 million Undocumented Americans out of the shadows."
Undocumented Americans? Isn't that a oxymoron.
Democrats...its in their blood.
Pelosi Welcoming Illegals
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