SB1070 is effectively dead in the water. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is based in San Francisco; the most liberal city in America! If they get a favorable ruling from them, someone's going to to have to pick me up off the floor.
So it's on it's way to the "Supremes".
Speaking of the Supremes: This was a recent headline on how they voted regarding Americans helping Terrorists.
High Court: Americans Can't Help Terrorists
Over the objections of three justices, the Supreme Court has upheld a federal law prohibiting American citizens from providing "material support or resources" to foreign terror groups. The 6-3 majority opinion from Chief Justice John Roberts is a victory for the government's efforts to fight terrorist organizations.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Stephen Breyer
and our new resident Hispanic Sonia Soto-may--oo-rrrr (rolling the r's for a Spanish inflection) objected to a federal law prohibiting American citizens from providing "material support or resources" to foreign terror groups.
Come on.... what's wrong with Americans helping Terrorists?
And these people are appointed for life!!!
If these three voted to allow Americans to help terrorists how do you think they're going to vote on SB1070?
Lets hope and pray common sense prevails. Although it might be years away I'm looking for a 5-4 decision in favor of SB1070. The rest of the states will follow suit.
Obama won the battle but not the war. This latest fiasco will most assuredly nullify any hopes he had for re-elelection.
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I love a picture of dumb asses sealing their own fate | see protesting in the streets of AZ.... (A lot of them bussed in from California from the SEIU). Service Employees International Union is on the scene. Why? One reason is they are another arm of the Obama Administration. Why else would a union from CA care about the immigration policies of AZ? Since when is it the business of any union, let alone the SEIU, to get involved in immigration matters? So if you were a member of this union with half a brain you would have to ask yourself this:
Their using my union dues to pay to bus people in to support illegals, the very same illegals, who one day may take my job.
The ultimate decision lies in the hands of the silent majority. They hold no signs... but speak loudly with their vote!
Arizona Appeal of Immigration Ruling Set For November
SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal appeals court says it will hold a hearing in November on Arizona's challenge to a ruling that put the most controversial parts of the state's immigration law on hold.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco issued a two-page order Friday denying Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's request for an earlier hearing date.
U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton issued a ruling Wednesday putting much of the law on hold. Brewer had asked for an expedited appeals process, with a hearing scheduled for the week of Sept. 13.
State lawyers had argued that the appeal involves an issue of "significant importance" -- the state's right to implement a law to address "irreparable harm Arizona is suffering as a result of unchecked unlawful immigration."
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Hey, while you're there stop in and see Andy Stern and fill out an application to the SEIU. Oh...I forgot he resigned. That's ok, just remember they love you! |
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