The Saga of Shirley Sherrod
First of all if you listen to the whole video the white farmer according to her acted like he was “superior” to her. The gist of what I got out of the video was she was kind of bragging to the NAACP audience how she screwed a white guy. At the time I didn’t know this took place over 20 years ago and she had become friends with the white farmer.
But there is a lot more to this story then meets the eye.
It came from the top
Because the White House is terrified of this guy.
Sherrod may be the only official ever dismissed because of the fear that Fox host Glenn Beck might go after her. Sherrod says Deputy Undersecretary Cheryl Cook called her Monday to say “do it, because you’re going to be on ‘Glenn Beck’ tonight.” Again she stated… The White House… called her 3 times while she was driving her car. The third time…”pull over and resign!”

Naturally…The White House… made Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack fire her so these two could take the fall.
O’Reilly apologized to her for running the story and Beck never ran any story except to support her.
Then she said this:

In an interview with Media Matters, she stated FOX network would... “love to take us back to where we were many years ago. Back to where black people were looking down, not looking white folks in the face, not being able to compete for a job out there and not be a whole person.”
NAACP said they were snookered by FOX.
They must depend on FOX to do the investigative work for them because there to freaking lazy to do it themselves!
They chastise her… then blame FOX! Typical of them don’t you think? She had already resigned before FOX ran the damn story!
But this is the kicker Mitch Albom wrote this:
“If a house is burned to the ground, you can whine about the firefighters or criticize the building material — but first you blame the guy who started the fire, right?”
He starts out ok but totally misses the real point.
So you have ask yourself this:
1. Who shot the video and sent it to Breitbart?
2. How many white people attend a NAACP meeting?
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