Should have put Barry on here.
According to the second most dumb doofus in command Barry is considering using executive privilege to ban guns in some form. He feels embolden after the election; perhaps enough to believe he has the authority to abolish the 2nd Amendment.
What is scary, Biden is in control or at the very least, giving advice on who should own guns. What could be worse?
Oh yes… you guessed it… the involvement of the ACLU... But wait... If I didn't know better I would have thought they had lockjaw. They have said zilch. Why? These bastards are between the proverbial rock and a hard place! Their natural instinct...side with Barry. Yet their very name screeches "civil liberties".
What to do?
Assert the 2nd Amendment never said what it actually said.
Mark my words.

Take a look at these three. Do they appear to be predisposed to following the law?
As far as I can tell none of them had a criminal record prior to their acts of violence.
Taking this in consideration when we buy a gun maybe some of the pertinent questions should be.
Have you seen a psychiatrist in the last 7 years?
If so why?
Have you ever been treated for any mental disorder?
Have you ever been treated for any mental disorder?
Are you currently taking medication for any mental condition?
Have you ever taken medication for any mental condition?
Follow this up with some sort of a data bank similar to the ones they have with convicted felons.
Except for what I just indicated this whole gun control debate is a fallacy. It's estimated they are 200 to 300 million guns in America. Millions of these guns date back to the 1960's and far earlier... WW2 and WW1.. long before we had strict gun laws. Another thing about a gun. Properly cleaned and oiled it will last indefinitely. Lets be practical. Our government can't find the intestinal fortitude to get rid of 12 million illegals. How in the hell are they going to get rid of 300 million guns?
The end result of more government intervention?
Law abiding citizens will find it increasingly more difficult to own a gun.
Status quo for the criminal.
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