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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

World's most polluted capital cities revealed as Delhi is ranked worst for air quality while Wellington is the best

The Democrats favorite pursuit, besides tax and spend, is perpetuating global warming climate change. We have heard it all, the Arctic ice is melting, polar bears disappearing, oceans rising, and who is to blame the United States. They offer all sorts of solutions from the ridiculous to the ludicrous most recently with the $93 trillion New Green Deal to put a halt to America's pollution of the atmosphere.

Then the reality sets in. These are the most polluted cities in the world. Of the capital cities researchers looked at, they found that only nine out of 62 cities tested for air pollution came in under the target of 10 micrograms per cubic millimeter of air. Red is the worst blue the best. I'm an advocate for clean air but this study concludes what we do isn't putting a dent in pollution when the rest of the world doesn't give a damn. Only DC is on the list and it's blue.  Thought for sure LA would be on it.

Researchers have revealed the world's most polluted capital cities, with Delhi, in India, ranking the worst followed closely by Dhaka, in Bangladesh. 

Residents in India's capital city were exposed to more than ten times the safe amount of air pollution on an average day, a study has shown.

Dhaka, in Bangladesh, ranked second-worst with ten times the safe limit while Kabul, in Afghanistan, ranked third, with six times the same limit. Probably suicide bomber residue.


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