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Monday, May 20, 2019

Biden kicks off his campaign with a WHOPPER of a lie

Was in my favorite bar.  They always watch FOX and NEVER ran into a Democrat the 40 plus years I’ve been going there. Low and behold here comes Biden on TV. He’s donned in a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up like a typical slimeball politician. He starts out—"I’ve been all across America” in which case I shouted…ALL 57 STATES? There was laughter and a bunch of guys raised their beer. Now for the next part, you better be strapped down in a chair tighter than Ted Bundy. He says this, “The reason the country is doing so well is Trump inherited the Obama/Biden economy”. Preposterous to the point I couldn't believe my own ears! I thought...Hunter must have slipped him some crack.

It also brought back memories of Barry’s favorite line “It’s Bushes fault” and now that Trump has the economy humming along Biden/Barry are trying to take the credit. What's worst, his asshole followers actually believed what he said. Guess I forgot about all those bonus checks mailed out by over 100 companies to their employees during Barry's occupation of the WH.

His followers are dumber than he is. 

If that's even possible.

   Biden's narrative evoked the infamous magic wand statement made by his mentor. 

Video 509

“Those jobs just aren't coming back". Well, guess what happened Barry under the Trump administration…


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