The poll was taken after gun massacres in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio occurred within hours of each other, as well as a mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California a week earlier. Fox’s survey respondents were asked “How much do you think each of the following is to blame for mass shootings in the United States over the last few years?”
Thirty-four percent said they blamed “Sentiments expressed by President Trump” for gun massacres “a great deal,” while 22 percent said they blamed Trump’s rhetoric “some” for mass shootings.
Among Democrats, 87 percent blamed Trump to some degree, along with 50 percent of independent voters, but even among Republicans, more than one in five laid some of the blame for mass shootings at Trump’s feet.
Well, what did you expect when the gullible believe everything the MSM says about Trump? Hell... it's Trump fault Epstein's dead too!
These are some of the mass shooting which took place during Barry's occupation of the WH with photos of the more notable. I bet if the media really applied themselves they could pin all these shootings on Trump too. Two presidents, two sets of mass shootings, one gets all the blame, one skates.
And the media is here to make sure that happens.
2016: 71 killed, 83 wounded
Burlington, Wash., Sep. 23

Baton Rouge, La., Jul. 17

Dallas, Texas, Jul. 7

Orlando, Fla., Jun. 12

Hesston, Kan., Feb. 25

Kalamazoo County, Miss., Feb. 20

2015: 46 killed, 43 wounded
San Bernardino, Calif., Dec. 2

Colorado Springs, Colo., Nov. 27

Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. 31

Roseburg, Ore., Oct. 1

Chattanooga, Tenn., Jul. 16

Charleston, S.C., Jun. 17

Menasha, Wis., Jun. 11

2014: 17 killed, 28 wounded
Marysville, Wash., Oct. 24

Santa Barbara, Calif., May. 23

Fort Hood, Texas, Apr. 3

Alturas, Calif., Feb. 20

2013: 31 killed, 13 wounded
Washington, D.C., Sep. 16

Hialeah, Fla., Jul. 26

Santa Monica, Calif., Jun. 7

Federal Way, Wash., Apr. 21

Herkimer County, N.Y., Mar. 13

2012: 67 killed, 68 wounded
Newtown, Conn., Dec. 14

Minneapolis, Minn., Sep. 27

Oak Creek, Wis., Aug. 5

Aurora, Colo., Jul. 20

Seattle, Wash., May. 20

Oakland, Calif., Apr. 2

Norcross, Ga., Feb. 22

2011: 18 killed, 21 wounded
Seal Beach, Calif., Oct. 14

Carson City, Nev., Sep. 6

Tucson, Ariz., Jan. 8

2010: 8 killed, 2 wounded
Manchester, Conn., Aug. 3

2009: 38 killed, 37 wounded
Parkland, Wash., Nov. 29

Fort Hood, Texas, Nov. 5

Binghamton, N.Y., Apr. 3

Carthage, N.C., Mar. 29

2008: 16 killed, 24 wounded
Henderson, Ky., Jun. 25

DeKalb, Ill., Feb. 14

Kirkwood, Mo., Feb. 7

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