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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

WATERGATE ON STEROIDS...Tucker Carlson / Bobunlinski interview

If you haven't seen the interview you owe it to yourself. Believe me you won't be disappointed!

Remember this at the debate? A blatant lie!!!

Video 598

Sleepy Joe said he never took a penny from a foreign source. Splitting hairs really. That's because his two brothers and Hunter got the money then gave 'The big guy' his cut.

This is a blockbuster report!  Got to feeling we're as bad as Venezuela! Bobunlinski came across straightforward as they come. He had everything on Biden to back up his claims emails, voicemails, texts, etc and they weren't generated by him. When Bobunlinski asked Biden's brother Jim aren't they worried about getting caught he paused, then laughed a little bit, and said... PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. I could just see him doing the Biden shit-eating grin. 

Good thing Schiff wouldn't retract the Russian disinformation claim smearing Bobunlinski and his family otherwise we may have never found out. Wonder how much bug-eyed Schiff REALLY knows about all this? With the election less than a week away postponing it to get to the bottom of this I assume is out of the question. So what will be done about it? Looking for the MSM to go into Extreme Cover Up mode. And speaking of cover up I expect 'Worthless Wray’ to do what he always does… nothing. 

This is were he was talking about bug-eyed Schiff. Very damning!

(Bet Bug Eyes now has second thoughts)

Getting back to the MSM. I remember a time when Reporters/News Agencies top priority was... be the first to 'get the scoop'. Those days are long gone. Now its put under a microscope and if its detrimental to the Democratic Party they squash the story.


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