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Monday, September 26, 2011

Liberal Double Whammy

Obama raps the knuckles of the CBC.

Shut you face and vote for me.. just like last time...
Don't waste time thinking about my record. I'm Black, your Black, that's all you need to know!

He lectures them:
"Quit complaining and crying???" 

This kills me.
He's been blaming Bush for everything ever since he took office!

Noticed the calculated, put-on, phraseology when speaking before the CBC is quite a bit different from the one used to address the general population, dispelling any notion we are all one nation.

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Maxine doesn't know who the Messiah was talking to? "Curious" she said. Not surprising since she's made a career of walking around in the dark with her mouth open.  Since the backdrop of the above video states Congressional Black Caucus, which Waters attended, shouldn't that be a clue. She should thank God for her district, Waters couldn't get elected dogcatcher in any other.

(Click post title if it won't load)


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