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Monday, October 14, 2019

Chuck Todd And Other Media Refuse To Cover Questions About Hunter Biden

The excuses are a farce. Like I stated before switch out Hunter Biden for Eric Trump and you'll see an immediate interest so fast it'll make your head spin!

Posted at 6:30 pm on October 12, 2019 by Nick Arama

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Chuck Todd and some others in the media must be taking lessons from the NBA now. 

The NBA thinks if they don’t hold media availabilities, the controversy over their kowtowing to the Chinese will just go away. 

Todd and the others apparently think the same thing is true as to questions regarding Hunter Biden. If they don’t cover it, maybe people will just stop talking about it. 

“We aren’t going to play the sound,” Todd said of President Donald Trump’s remarks about Hunter Biden during the president’s rally in Minnesota. “We’re not going to repeat the president’s vicious attacks on Hunter Biden.” 

Why? According to Todd, “whatever you thought of [Hunter Biden’s] decisions, he’s not a public figure. He isn’t running for office. And he’s not a campaign surrogate. He’s not even on the campaign trail. And he isn’t in any way asking for this attention, obviouslyIt’s newsworthy, but we can’t in good conscience amplify those attacks, so we wouldn’t.”

Then he really went over the slide with pomposity. “We all need to play a role in not rewarding this kind of politics. This is the job, not just the press, but of anyone who has sworn an oath to defend the Constitution.”

Someone get a shovel because it’s getting a little deep in here. 

First of all, Hunter Biden isn’t 13 year old Barron Trump. 

Put aside your political sides for the moment and anyone can see the proper concerns about the son of the Vice President working with a China-backed company and a Ukrainian company with government connections and getting a boatload of money in the process while his father is the point man on those two countries for the Obama administration with his hand on billions in aid. And that’s without any intervention by his father then the VP and now a presidential candidate in getting the prosecutor who was investigating his son’s firm fired by threatening to withhold aid. Or the Vice President flying Hunter to China on Air Force Two to talk with the man with whom he’s making a billion dollar deal. 

As Jerry Dunleavy with the Washington Examiner observes, it’s surely just a coincidence that Todd doesn’t want to note that he, Todd, was mentioned in the Trump remarks about Hunter Biden. 

Todd’s efforts to go to bat for the Bidens might be another reason that he doesn’t want to mention it to Americans. 

Just as a factual matter for Todd, Joe Biden has mentioned that Hunter will indeed be joining him on the campaign trail. 

Additionally, it’s surely just happenstance that this comes after a full-court press by Joe Biden to shut down any media attention to the subject of his son and his business dealings. As Jonathan Turley notes at The Hill, Hunter Biden is, "he who shall remain nameless,” by edict of his father to the media. 

Indeed, the Biden campaign has been remarkably open in demanding that news organizations stop airing interviews or publishing articles about the allegations. Instead of calling it “fake news” (which is virtually copyrighted by Trump), the Biden campaign calls such coverage “conspiracy theories.”

Thus, the campaign wrote to various networks, demanding that they stop airing interviews on the scandal with figures such as Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani. Kate Bedingfield, deputy manager of the Biden campaign, also denounced The New York Times for publishing an op-ed by author Peter Schweizer on the controversy. The campaign apparently expected the Times and the networks to fall in line and bar others from even expressing a view.

Most recently, the campaign fired off letters to Facebook, Twitter and Google, demanding that they take down Trump ads referencing the Hunter Biden contracts. This normally would be viewed as unbridled hubris and arrogance — except that many TV news hosts are doing precisely what the campaign has demanded.

CNN and other media have tried to stop people from commenting about the Hunter question, claiming variously it’s already been investigated, there’s no evidence or that it’s all “conspiracy theories.” 

To claim that questions about Hunter Biden are not legitimate is itself an illegitimate and disingenuous argument. And it’s particularly so from media who has entertained all manner of speculation and calumny about Trump and his family in regards to the Russia collusion hoax. We’re sure Todd’s position has nothing at all to do with helping the Democratic narrative with regard to questions about the Bidens. And when did journalists take an oath to defend the Constitution? Because it sure hasn’t felt like it with the way that many of them have approached the due process for the last few years and pushed their own conspiracies that have greivously injured the health of the body politic.


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