Jimmy Carter is light years away from where the Democratic party is today. I think he is a fine man with a good heart and possessed admirable intentions, but would have been far better, serving as the head of the Habitat for Humanity than POTUS.
It's indisputable...he was totally out of his league sitting in the oval office.
It's indisputable...
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has been hospitalized after breaking his pelvis during a fall at his home in Georgia just weeks after a similar accident left him with heavy facial bruising and 14 stitches.
The 95-year-old suffered a 'minor pelvic fracture' on Monday following the incident at his home in Plains.
Carter, who is the nation's oldest living president, was admitted to the Phoebe Sumter Medical Center for treatment.
A statement from The Carter Center said the former President remains in good spirits and looks forward to recovering at home.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was hospitalized on Monday after breaking his pelvis during a fall at his home in Georgia just weeks after a similar accident (above) left him with heavy facial bruising and 14 stitches

It is the second fall Carter has had this month.
The first accident on October 6 left Carter with 14 stitches above his brow and bruising around his left eye.
Despite that, he still showed up to help build a home with Habitat for Humanity the next day in Nashville, Tennessee.
He used a cane when he rallied volunteers that morning.
He told the crowd of volunteers that despite going to hospital, 'I had a number one priority and that was to come to Nashville and build houses'.
He survived a dire cancer diagnosis in 2015 and surpassed George H.W. Bush as the longest-lived U.S. president in history this spring.
Carter, who was president from 1977 to 1981, also broke his hip back in May after falling in his home.
Former President Jimmy Carter makes public appearance after fall .
He is pictured with his wife, Rosalynn just one day after the incident sharing a light-hearted moment which left Carter with 14 stitches above his brow and bruising around his left eye.

Despite his injuries earlier this month, Carter still showed up to help build a home with Habitat for Humanity the next day in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife
He has continued with his humanitarian work despite his health setbacks.
Carter still teaches Sunday school twice a month at Maranatha Baptist Church in his hometown of Plains.
Carter also has occasionally weighs in on politics and policy, recently expressing hopes that his Carter Center will become a more forceful advocate against armed conflicts in the future, including 'wars by the United States'.
'I just want to keep the whole world at peace,' Carter had said as he presented his annual Carter Center report last month.
'We have been at war more than 226 years. We have been at peace for about 16 years' since the Declaration of Independence in 1776, he said, adding that every U.S. military conflict from the Korean War onward has been a war of 'choice'.
Carter has also been accepting visits from several 2020 presidential candidates of late, but he hass held back on endorsing any of his fellow Democrats, offering few clues about his thoughts of the campaign.
Carter, pictured with his wife and a Secret Service agent last year, stayed living in the same town where he was born following his presidency.
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