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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Today's headline

CHOP gets the chop: Barricades at Seattle's cop-free zone are torn down as police move in to reclaim 'war zone' a day after second deadly shooting at camp when protesters shot dead Jeep-driving black 16-year-old and his 14-year-old passenger

Someone help me figure this shit out. The protesters, not the cops, shot and killed two black kids 16 and 14. Isn't this even worse than the untimely demise of St George and St Rayshard? Imagine the cops shot them. They would be going berserk! Should be good for a 25 statues including Ronald McDonald.   

Where’s all the hype?

I can see it now…

Witnesses told 911 dispatchers that they saw several unidentified people firing shots into the vehicle, police say. The blood-soaked and bullet-ridden jeep remained at the scene Monday morning


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