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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Bribem tells false story about his encounter with Amtrak conductor for the FIFTH time after it was revealed president’s version of events happened after rail worker had DIED

Video 646

Biden on Wednesday repeated a story about being congratulated by an Amtrak conductor for traveling more than 2 million miles by rail even though the train employee was dead at the time the event supposedly took place

He has a l-o-n-g history of lying. Remember when he claimed a drunk driver  killed his wife and daughter instead of his son Hunter? He has used/ lied about this event countless times throughout his life for his own political gain. Basically it boils down to this to gain sympathy...Feel sorry for me because my wife and daughter were killed by a drunk driver and put an X next to the name Biden on the ballot.

The true story:

Curtis Dunn, was driving a tractor-trailer when he collided with the station wagon that Neilia Biden, Joe Biden’s first wife, was driving. 

Neilia Biden and her and Joe Biden’s young daughter, Naomi, who they called Amy, were killed. 

Dunn was not charged in the collision and there was no evidence he had been drinking. 

Neilia Biden, who had a stop sign, pulled into his right of way when the crash occurred.

So I can only determine she was the one that caused the accident. But whatever the case no way was alcohol involved!

He is also well known for plagiarism.

I could go on and on here with more examples. For instance Hunters computer is a 'warehouse' full of corruption, lies, and will remain sealed just like Barry's college transcripts. But suffice to say... when this lying SOB tells you his multi trillion dollar spending bill won't cost one dime and add zero to the national debt... are you gullible enough to believe it?


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