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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Joe Biden: Walls for me but not for thee!

On Friday, Sean Hannity revealed that President Joe Biden will have a $457,000 taxpayer-funded fence built around his $2.7 million summer home in Cape Henlopen. Biden opposed former President Donald Trump’s border wall, and one of his first executive actions was to halt its construction. To use taxpayer money to build such a barrier around his own property now — and vacation property at that – reeks of hypocritical elitism. 

Under Biden, the situation at the U.S.-Mexican border has turned into a full-blown crisis. Illegal immigrants are attempting to enter the country in record numbers. Border Patrol apprehensions for this year ha topped 1.74 million as of September. Since Biden took office in January, illegal immigrant encounters at the border have increased by a factor of nearly 2.5, and a major contributing factor has been Biden’s decision to halt construction of border walls. 

This month, it was reported that Biden had canceled border wall contracts in two areas of high illegal immigrant crossings — the Laredo and Rio Grande Valley sectors. Biden will cancel walls that protect you, but he will order walls to protect his vacation home. This is something that should outrage everyone. As with his aversion to wearing masks in public places, Biden is a hypocrite when it comes to using walls for security. 

Biden has a long track record of dismissing the effectiveness of walls. “We need border security but that’s not the border security we need,” Biden said in a candid interview on CNN in January 2019. As an alternative, Biden suggested the border could be protected through “high-tech” solutions. This included “funding for the homeland security secretary to ‘develop and implement a plan to deploy technology to expedite screening and enhance the ability to identify narcotics and other contraband at every land, air, and sea port of entry.’” Such technology would include scanners that would search any rail crossings and all vehicles entering through ports of entry. 

“If you believe we need to secure the border, pass it because it has a lot of money for high tech border security,” Biden said in April 2021. Yet, when it comes to his own personal security, Biden chose to build the type of security barrier with which he refuses to protect his countrymen. 

Trump was right to want to build a wall to secure our border. They are effective measures in limiting the number of illegal immigrants that enter the country. There is a reason why Biden is building such a barrier around his vacation house. Walls work. Trump knew it. Biden knows it, too. He just doesn't think people are worth it to protect.


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